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users information tracker not working

posts: 5
I'm trying to create a tracker that users have to fill out during registration but it's not working. I followed the TikiWiki documentation pretty much step for step but at step 6 when it says to indicate the fields from the user tracker that you want the user to fill at registration time there is no place to do so. Here's the link to the documentation: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=User%20tracker&structure=Documentation. Can anyone help me out? Thanks.
posts: 5

I'm glad you posted this because I need to do the same thing.

I think what you're looking for is on the tiki-admin_trackers.php page.

Choose the "Tracker" you want in edit mode. The last field says:
Show these fields (ID comma separated) in a popup on item link when listing tracker items?

I think this is where you want to edit. I can log in as a user and then go edit this but it is rather cumbersome. I really wish there were some way to set it so that when people register these fields are available for entry.

Please pass along any tips or suggestions - or edit the wiki page you referenced above!

posts: 5
I tried doing what you said but it still doesn't work.

posts: 215

I have used trackers to collect information during registration with two different TikiWikis (both using 1.10). I uesd the documentation at the link you specified and I think it covers everything you need to do. When you edit the group, isn't there a text box labeled "Users Information Tracker Fields Asked at Registration Time (fieldIds separated with 😊" near the bottom of the page?

For one of my TikiWikis I used the "Registered" group as the default group when someone registers. First I did the "Enable the registration tracker" part. Then for the "Create the tracker" step I created a tracker named "Member", and have the first field of the tracker named "User" with a type of "user selector" and an option of "1". I also have 4 other fields in the tracker that I want filled in when they register.

For the "Assign the tracker to Registered group" steps, I edited the "Registered" group and selected "Member" as the "Users Information Tracker" and saved. Then I re-edited the group and there was a second drop down selection box under "Users Information Tracker" which says "choose a field". I selected "2 - User", the field with the "user selector" type. Then, in the text box titled "Users Information Tracker Fields Asked at Registration Time (fieldIds separated with 😊", I added: 3:5:6:7 which are the Ids of the fields I want filled in during registration. Note that those are the field Ids from the tracker, not the positions of the fields. The field Id number is assigned when the field is created and they are not reused if you delete one, so I do not have a field with an Id of 4. Also, you do not need to enter the field Id of the "user selector" field, that will be filled in with the Username when someone registers.

Now when someone registers, they first have to fill in the regular registration information (for my registration it is Username, Registration code, Password, and Email), and then when they click on "Register", it brings up a second page with the tracker fields 3, 5, 6, and 7 for them to fill in.

posts: 5
No, I don't have the "Users Information Tracker Fields Asked at Registration Time" field. I think it's probably because I'm still using tikiwiki 1.9. I guess I should update. Has 1.10 been released yet, or is it still beta?

posts: 215

Sorry, I should have said I was using 1.10 beta, which is now 2.0.