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Architecture / Installation

Upgrade broke File Gallery

posts: 4

I recently upgraded our tiki install to version 2. Most things survived the upgrade, however the most obvious thing that was broken is the file galleries feature.

All links to files previously in the gallery still work correctly, however when I select the option to list galleries, nothing is displayed (see attached picture).

Also when i attempt to upload a new file, I am still given the option to select a file gallery (all gallery names are still shown). When I select the appropriate options and confirm the upload I can link to it as usual but it does not appear when I select to browse the gallery.

Does anyone know how to fix this or at least tell me where to look to find the problem.


posts: 4
I checked the database, and all the files appear to still be there. It just seems as though the upgrade somehow broke connection with the file gallery page. Any thoughts?

posts: 838 United Kingdom
I seem to remember I had a similar problem - but then noticed there was a new permission for tiki_p_list_file_galleries which I didn't think was there before. You might want to check that you've set this.

posts: 75 Denmark

I had problems with file galleries when I upgraded. They did however look more violent (lots of DB errrors). I solved them by chaning my MySql version from 4.0 to 4.1.


posts: 3
Can you elaborate on how to set "a new permission for tiki_p_list_file_galleries?" I have a similar issue after upgrading from 2.0 to 2.2. Sometimes, I would get a blank page, sometimes I would get "Fatal error: Call to a member function fetchRow() on a non-object in /home/learnbyb/public_html/twiki/tikiwiki-2.2/lib/tikilib.php on line 3182." Are the two issues related?

posts: 3

I think I might have found the problem - the mysql database needs to be upgraded.
I've used the db/tiki_1.9to2.0.sql to upgrade the 1.9 database to 2.0 and it seems to work.
The following command has worked for me using a remote mysql client (because my hosting company would not allow execution of shell script) :

./mysql -h -u -f --password= < tiki_1.9to2.0.sql

The script may generate lots of error messages but they're generally harmless. I suspect that original Fantasico script (bundled by my hosting company) did not upgrade cleanly.

I'm back in business.

posts: 3

For some reason the command got chopped off in my previous entry. Let me try again:

./mysql -h _hostname_ -u _username_ -f _database_ --password=_password_ < tiki_1.9to2.0.sql

Replace _*_ with your own.

posts: 4

Well, I finally put some time into attempting to resolve this issue. I was able to trace the problem to tiki-list_file_gallery.tpl. From there I changed the theme to see if the default theme also had the same issue. Lo and behold everything looked correct. I then removed the tikipedia theme i had been using and uploaded the newest version of the theme. Everything seems to work now.

Conclusion: When I upgraded tiki I neglected to remove the old theme before upgrading the theme.

Thanks for everyone's responses.