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Features / Usability

how to set small font for user details

posts: 50 Germany


when I hover my mouse pointer over a user name, the user details usually are displayed with a small font. That seems to be true for all users - except the admin user...! The admin user has a larger font, which is not so nice. It definitely was different when I first installed TW, but I can't remember what I did to change it back...

Does any one here know how to do this?

my site: http://list.vic-fontaine.com/
test user / password: smarty


posts: 3665 United States

It depends (I think) if the user has an avatar or not.

  • If so, then the popup information is shown in a table (and uses the table's and styles from the CSS).
  • If not, then the popup information is shown in regular paragraph text.

You'll need to go through the CSS for your site and make the styles match.


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posts: 50 Germany

Thanks for your response.

Now I've completely disabled and deleted my user's avatar. What happened: The place where the avatar has been before now shows a broken link... Any ideas how to repair this?


posts: 50 Germany
ok, solved this with phpmyadmin - set all avatar related values to "NULL".
posts: 50 Germany

Well, it's solved, but it can be reproduced...

  • create an avatar for a user.
  • delete the avatar.
  • user details will have a broken link.

I'll open a bug report.
