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possible to edit left column folders, add or delete some?

posts: 12

I did not see anything in the documentation nor the forums that seemed to address this specifically.

When using the left column on a given page, is it possible to edit the left column, itself, using any of the admin features? It does not seem so.

(1) For example, could we change the name of File Galleries to something else?

(2) Could we add a second File Galleries folder and call that something else?

(3) Can we add or delete folders on that left column?

If not, can anyone point me in the direction of the code that would need to be changed to make some of these proposed changes.

No doubt, if we dug into the code we should be able to change a name or two of one of those folders, but I bet it won't be dramatically easy. Perhaps we could also duplicate the files of given folder, like File Galleries, and find a way to splice that into the left column, and of course call it whatever we wanted, but I bet that is an even more significant set of code changes, but I'll take whatever help the designers or others are willing to provide.

(I did see the information on the feature option for "layout per section", so that some wiki pages use different folders than other pages, but that's not they type of editing I am describing, here)

Any insight into this would be most appreciated.

P.S. I have to say that TikiWiki is an impressive tool, already, with a lot of features that can be turned on and off. I am very pleased with it, overall, and I certainly don't want to sound ungrateful. What I am asking would be another set of useful feature modification.

posts: 4668 Japan

If you mean the menu in the left column, it can be edited. See menu docs.

-- Gary

posts: 257 United States

I have found that the tiki menu can be rather imposing so I simply created a new "module" (admin/modules), added simple HTML -calling them whatever I want- or even wiki links and then assigning the new module to load above the regular wiki menu.

One cool, and only tangentially related thing, is that you can create a module with an RSS feed from wherever -including from within Tikiwiki! I just find this cool and wanted to mention it. Take a look at www.myaurora.org. Many of the side menus and modules I created for specific purposes.

Tiki is very flexible in this way -in fact it's flexible all over!

posts: 257 United States

Sorry, one more thing,

On some sites I manage, I hide the main Tiki menu entirely and only use the ones I create because I want a simple site -but one that can grow to whatever it needs to in the future.