Need help with Calendar for UK day/date convention
Hi - I'm trying to use the Calendar feature for a site used by UK users where the date convention is day/month. Under Admin General Features I've set the "Fields display order:" to ))DayMonthYear(( and the timezone to Europe/London, but so far I've left the other fields, %A %d of %B, %Y etc., as standard (since I'm not sure what the conventions being used here are all about - although I can guess some of it)
However whenever an Event calendar is viewed the individual days are displayed as month/day which is very confusing toa UK user, and more seriously importing events by uploading data exported from (say) Outlook gets the data all wrong since it thinks the import is in the month/day format.
Is there some way of configuring this differently?
Would really appreciate some help from someone that has used this Feature in a UK environment and has hopefully solve this problem or can advise on how the functionality has been built.