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Features / Usability

Tiki 3.0 - Uploading / Downloading Jumbo Files

posts: 4

I'm in the need to transfer large files both to and from my TikiWiki. We are talking way beyond the base 2MB in PHP. Like 100MB would be the norm.

How can I go about doing this without allocating an entire 512MB RAM chip to the process. My php is set to give 120MB of ram and a extra 8MB for total post data. My apache2 was turned up to 64MB and all I can manage to squeeze out of TikiWiki is an estimated 15MB upload limit. My MySql (database storage option) is cranked up to 100MB.

This is a pathetic size really, am I never going to be able to use the TikiWiki system for jumbo files or am I missing something here?

posts: 26

I also have issues with uploading files, PHP is set for 800megs and uploads just don't finish..... i never get a sucess or an error, it just doesn't end with Tiki 3.0, as a clean install or as an upgrade from 2.3.

Any insights on uploading file issues with 3.0 would be appreciated.

posts: 4

You should call these user forums vs support forums. As it looks like nobody but a hand full of users actually read them.

So to answer my own question after wasting days in the support forum expecting some kind of discussion on this... (maybe PHPBB has me spoiled)

No you can not use database storage with 100MB files without allocating an entire RAM chip to the upload. The reason being that database storage requires three copies of the upload be stored in the memory limit (plus a little extra) to process the upload. So a 100MB upload would need a 300+ MB php memory limit.

Yes you are missing something, don't use database storage..

posts: 496


Dont use the database for storing large files, store them in a directory. This also makes the backup of your db easier. For settings see "Admin home" > "File galleries". For uploading use FTP connection, than in Tiki use the "Directory batch" to allocate the files into the proper folder.

More info here: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=File+Gallery&bl=y

and here


If you have no option but to store files in the db than make sure you also modify the followings in your php.ini: memory_limit, upload_max_filesize, post_max_size, max_execution_time, max_input_time according to your needs and also set mysql.connect_timeout to -1

hope it helps,