Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Problems after/during instalation - blank page / 403

posts: 2

Hi there,

I would REALLY LIKE TO test TikiWiki and see how great project it is. But it seems to me that TW doesn't want me to test it. Two attempts, both failed.

First, I tried localhost so at least copying files took a few seconds. Whole instalation process gone great. After clicking "Lock installer and go to your Tiki" I see a blank page (absolutely - 0 bytes in page source). And can't do anything else except for re-running installation script, which ends with the same, no matter what I choose. P. S.: I setup 32 MB per script in php.ini! And entered existing database and user with all rights.

Second atempt, on a production server, configured by guys who really knows what they do, so there is no chance that problem is caused by server misconfiguration. First - sending files. Eeee, eee... Sorry, Guys! Unzipped code has 82 MB, NOT 25 like you write in manual. So, sending it takes around 2-3 hours on fairly fast FTP server and fairly good connection speed, not a few minutes.

Pure installation of TikiWiki 3.1 comes with _htaccess (not active and not respected by server) file, which is renamed to .htaccess (active and respected by server) around step three. That's where my installation script dies with "403 Forbidden" on remote installation of TikiWiki.

I don't know if renaming or using at all that .htaccess file is that much important (mainly rewrite rules - like using TikiWiki WITHOUT fancy URL's would be suuuuuuch problem! :-( ? But it seems that it causes all my problems in this attempt of using TikiWiki.

It would be so great if someone would have any tip or idea what else can I do to have _working_ version of TikiWiki 3.1! But I understand that my problems are so "weird" that no-one can actually say anything about what could went wrong in each attempt and no-one can provide me with any solution.

So, let's conlude that I just wanna said that I really would like to test TikiWiki live but it truly seems that TikiWiki want's me to test different CMS and forget about it before I actually started! :-(


posts: 4657 Japan

Your problems are "weird" in the sense that normally the installation process goes smoothly, but I guess that's cold comfort ;-).

What server OS and software are you using? On my laptop, I have a local install - a WAMP setup. I've used FusionServer, XAMPP, and Wampserver2 at various times. It's always been the default server installation; I've never had to tweak settings, etc. Most of the problems I've seen reported about local installs are from people using IIS on Windows, or are running Linux locally and things are configured in some incompatible way.

My remote installations are presumably "normal" hosted sites (hostrocket.com) running Linux, and again no problems. I don't think "server misconfiguration" happens very often but there are various ways server admins want to set things up, and sometimes adjustments might be needed one way or another. Logically, if a 403 error occurs during the installation, that means some server setup incompatibility. Tikiwiki runs at many domain hosts (see Tiki Friendly Hosts ), and reports of "it just won't run" are rare.

About the package size, I don't recall seeing documentation that the unzipped 3.1 package is 25MB. Will you please let me know where that is, so it can be corrected? Tiki 3.x has gotten pretty huge due to recently incorporating the Zend framework, but refactoring, etc., should bring the size back down somewhat in future releases. In my case, I just let the ftp transfers go on in the background while doing other things.

Using Tikiwiki's .htaccess file or not should not make or break the site; it enables the shorter urls, but Tikiwiki will run without it.

Can you give more information about your local and remote server OSs and software? I'm not a server expert by any means but some details would be helpful in pinpointing the cause of the problems.

-- Gary

posts: 2


Thank you for a very complex answer! I'll be happy to give you as much details about my problem as I can.

On my laptop (first attempt) I have Windows XP and XAMPP Lite - version without install. Remote system is - as my admin informed me - an Idea WebServwer - slightly modfied Apache server. There was other users reports that this server interprets .htaccess file slightly different than pure, original Apache but these changes are minor as admin says and should not affect RewriteEngine rules. Anyway, I sent him a copy of .htaccess file that comes with TikiWiki installation and informed him that this could be the reason of breaking installation and ask him for check for any incompatibilites with original Apache server. But up until now I haven't received any answer.

Sorry about package size report. It was kind of mistake. Incorrect value is said about packed (ready for download) size, here:


It is stated there that package has ~10 MB, when in fact it has 2,5 times more, around 25 MB.

You said: "Using Tikiwiki's .htaccess file or not should not make or break the site". But I think it is. Mentioned "403 Forbbiden error" occurs at third step of install right after installer renames _htaccess to .htaccess. Basing upon what I figured out that there is 90% chances that this file causes problems. Do you think that removing it at all from installation or zeroing (emptying) it, so it rename to .haccess wouldn't affect server - could be a solution to my problem?
