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milkyway.css and Avast antivirus


A user tells me his Avast antivirus warned about a threat when arriving on http://www.penaoz.org, a threat that would be located in Styles.

I am not sure this is relevant yet. Just to note in case someone else complains.


I checked and it's the styles/transitions/2.1to3.0.css file that is reported as a threat. This file is a normal, clean CSS file when it's installed, but apparently got vandalized at that site. The file should be replaced and whatever other cleaning up is needed should be done on that server.

-- Gary (with virus scanner running in background 😉 )


Mmmhh nasty.

I will leave everything in its present state until tomorrow evening, the time for my hosting provider to see what is happening.

There are competitors, so I would really like to know where it came from, and how it was done.

Is it absolutely certain that the site got vandalized? I don't see another explanation.