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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Features / Usability

Features / Usability

TikiWiki Blog Rss Feed will display in my browser but not on my Wiki page

posts: 2 United States

I have an RSS feed set up for my Blog:


I can see this in my browser just fine.

I set up an RSS module. It is ID = 4.

When I add this code:

{rss id=4 max=11}

to a Wiki page, I get nothing - no content at all, not even an error. I've made sure all user groups have permissions for tiki_p_read_blog.

I have set up other, external RSS feeds as modules and they show up perfectly.

Any ideas?


posts: 215
Try the RSS plugin: {RSS(id=4,max=11)}{RSS}

posts: 2 United States

Nope - no luck.

External feeds work fine, and I can see the TikiWiki feed just fine raw in my browser ... just won't display on my wiki page!