Features / Usability

Features / Usability

External feeds not working in tikiwiki 5??

posts: 4

Maybe in the version 5 external feeds are not working behind a proxy?

Someone else was the problem?


posts: 153 Canada

I recently encountered a similar issue with the RSS External feeds. I believe it might be a bug and will be investigating the issue shortly.

I will update when I have more info. If anyone else has any ideas please comment.

Thank you

posts: 4

Ok, anyway if you tell me where to look, perhaps I can help find the bug.
Files that handle the external feeds?


posts: 3

After I upgaded from v4.2 to v5.0 my one page with 3 different rss feeds no longer displayed, i.e. the entire page was blank. I edited the page and when I removed the RSS feed tags, the page works fine. I tried the page with each RSS feed separately and in each case the same blank page problem occurred. I went to the Admin External Feed page and removed all of my RSS External feed entries and tried to re-define one, but when I clicked on SAVE, I again get a blank page and the entry is not saved.

One of the RSS feeds I tried was for http://feeds.reuters.com/reuters/businessNews

We are new to Tikiwiki and want to bring it online for several projects.

Hope someone has a fix soon.



posts: 3

A couple of more things.
One correction, when I SAVE a new External Feed, I get a blank page, however if I GoBack to the previous web page, the new RSS External Feed definition is saved. But it doesn't work.

The other thing I wanted to mention is that I talked about my experience using an upgraded version of Tikiwiki, from v4.2 to v5.0. But, I did also try this on a new install of Tikiwiki v5.0beta2 and the same thing happened.


posts: 2
I've hit this same problem. I don't see a bug report in the tracker, though. Has it been confirmed as an issue? This is working in a v4.2 Tiki I have set up.

posts: 2
I opened #3454 on the "Bugs & Wish Lists" tracker. With the help of Phillippe Cloutier was able to determine that, at least on CentOS5, the php-xml package is required for this feature to work properly. You will need to stop/start the http web server after the installation of php-xml for it to work.
posts: 4

In Ubuntu 8.04, install the php-xml-* packages and it did not work, I keep getting an empty list.

Any other ideas?

posts: 3

It works now. I have Tikiwiki 5.0 installed on Redhat Enterprise v5.5 with php 5.3.2 and the problem was resolved by installing the php-xml package and doing a restart of the httpd service.

Thanks for the info.
