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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Admin user cannot run tiki-admin.php

posts: 2

After upgrading to version 4.1 from a previous version ( could not determine) the admin user cannot run the admin.php scripts. Getting and error:
You do not have permission to use this feature
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

posts: 1001 Canada
Version 4.1 is no longer supported. Tiki 5 includes an upgrade fix for admin users who lost tiki_p_admin in the installer, step 7, Configure the General Settings.

posts: 1092

If you have already an admin group named Admins, enter in phpmyadmin for iunstance
INSERT INTO users_usergroups (`userId`, `groupName`) VALUES(1,'Admins');
INSERT INTO users_grouppermissions (`groupName`, `permName`) VALUES ('Admins','tiki_p_admin');

If your admin group has another name please adjust

If you do not have an admin group
INSERT INTO users_groups (`groupName`,`groupDesc`) VALUES ('Admins','Administrator and accounts managers.');

posts: 2

Your post fixed my issue. Many thanks.

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