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Features / Usability

Sorry double post: Images with mousover as default settings:

posts: 33 France

sorry sorry sorry... how can I erase a double post?


when I insert an image from the filegallery the default setting is:

{img fileId="80" thumb="y" rel="box[g]"}

I want to change the derfault setting to:

{img fileId="80" thumb="mouseover" rel="box[g]"}

how and where can I change the setting 4 this feature?

tx a lot

posts: 400


One way is to

(1) create a plugin alias (in the Editing and Plugins panel) to set the defaults that you want

(2) Go to edit a page and click on the Admin Toolbars icon (blue wrench a the top right of the edit area).

(3) Select the plugin you created in the Plugin Tools list and drag it to the top wherever you want it in the toolbar.

Hope that helps!