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Features / Usability

Tiki inserting unwanted characters in URL

posts: 84
In the trackerplugin I included a URL in the "Confirmation message after posting form" field. The URL was "http://www.promotethegood.org/tiki-tell_a_friend.php?url=%2FShout-Out-Good-News" becuase once a person submited the information in the tracker, I wanted to give them an obvious link to use to send an email. When I tested the page, however, tiki always changed the URL to
Copy to clipboard
(with the "" breaking up the "url").

Is there a way to fix this? I am using tiki 5.x

posts: 400
Sorry but the two versions of the url look the same to me?
posts: 84
I edited the original post so now the difference should show.

posts: 84

Okay, I don't get this. When I previewed my message, it looked right, but after I posted it, what I wanted to show was stripped out.

I'll try to just describe it. In this part here ".php?url" tiki would insert a left carrot, then an x, then a right carrot between the r and the l.