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Features / Usability

Module location in 1.8rc3+

posts: 39 Japan

(originally posted in wrong forum, sorry for xpost)
Hi - I wonder if someone could answer this:

On 1.8rc3+ I cannot seem to get any of the modules I added to the right and left columns to go above the large long menu which appears by default on the left. I know how to do it, but the up/down buttons do not seem to work with respect to the main default menu.

In addition, is there a way to break out or break up the default menu? I would like to structure the menus a little differently. To do so, do I need to create custom menus?

Rick Cogley
rick.cogley at esolia.co.jp

posts: 2881 United Kingdom

Hi Rick,

Hmm, not sure I know what you mean about the modules, but can you make them move any better in the Admin->Modules setup screen?

The best way is to create you own menu, using the bits that you want on your site. I made something like that on http://www.damosoft.co.uk although some of those options are directly linked into wiki page names, but it gives a good example as to what is on offer.