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Architecture / Installation

installation fails to find PEAR.php

posts: 3

I am installing on a Debian system under a login with its own Apache instance. Tiki is installed in the server home (home directory under the login). I am running Apache 2.2, PHP 5.1.4 and MySQL 5. I have a database all set up that is accessible from this login. I downloaded the Tiki 6.0 tarball and unpacked it on the system, then I went to the install page ( - we've not set up a domain name for it yet). I answer the questions and everything seems fine until it starts to do the install. I get the following errors:

Warning: include_once(PEAR.php) function.include-once: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /web/sites/hostrequest/home/lib/adodb/adodb-pear.inc.php on line 47

Warning: include_once() function.include: Failed opening 'PEAR.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in /web/sites/hostrequest/home/lib/adodb/adodb-pear.inc.php on line 47

Warning: include_once(PEAR.php) function.include-once: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /web/sites/hostrequest/home/lib/adodb/adodb-errorpear.inc.php on line 13

Warning: include_once() function.include: Failed opening 'PEAR.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in /web/sites/hostrequest/home/lib/adodb/adodb-errorpear.inc.php on line 13

Warning: session_start() function.session-start: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /web/sites/hostrequest/home/lib/adodb/adodb-pear.inc.php:47) in /web/sites/hostrequest/home/tiki-install.php on line 41

Fatal error: Class 'PEAR_Error' not found in /web/sites/hostrequest/home/lib/adodb/adodb-errorpear.inc.php on line 69

When I look at the code in adodb.pear.inc.php, I see the following:
include_once "PEAR.php";
include_once ADODB_PEAR."/adodb-errorpear.inc.php";
include_once ADODB_PEAR."/adodb.inc.php";

This seems to me to indicate that PEAR.php should reside in the same directory as adodb.pear.inc.php, but it doesn't. I think it is in ../pear (from this location).
Is there something that needs to be changed for the install? Nothing in the requirements or install instructions indicated a need to set paths anywhere.

posts: 1001 Canada
PHP 5.1.4 is very old. Which Debian suite do you use?

posts: 3

kernel 2.6.22 - not sure the name
does this mean I should install an earlier version of Tiki? I have no option on the server environment

posts: 1001 Canada
PHP 5.1 is supported but 5.1.4 could be buggy. If you really have PHP 5.1.4 and Linux 2.6.22, contact system administrators and tell them to update the system. Unless they have special reasons, the system must be very unmaintained, it is absolutely insecure if it is in on the Internet.

posts: 3
It's an old server that is due to be removed soon, but it is the only server I have access to to try this install right now. We wanted to try out TikiWiki and so far it hasn't gone very well. Even with an old version of PHP and Debian, the problem seems to be improperly-written code. If there's an older version available that should work on this old server, I'd like to try it out just to get a feel for Tiki. If not, we'll have to look elsewhere, I guess.