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Can't change install welcome to blog for home page

posts: 257 United States

(Reposted here in the right forum)
I had the home page set to be a blog then I upgraded to 6.2 and upgraded the database too. Now it goes to the welcome page. Seems to have forgotten the blog I was using for a home page.Setting the home page has always been confusing in Tiki so I just went back and did what I always do -try different settings in General and Wiki. No individual setting or combination of setting in General/Nav and/or Wiki/General works.

I've tried everything:

1)Set General/Navigation to "use Tiki feature as homepage" and chose the existing blog I used before -no dice.

2)enabled Use URL as index and put the blogs URL in as full URL with the http and without the http: No dice either time.

3) Did number two but set use Tiki feature to "Wiki" -no dice

4) In Admin/Wiki I chose another existing wiki page name to at least see if it would go to an existing wiki page (forgetting about the blog for a moment) -no dice. Creates a new welcome page with the same initial welcome page instructions and along string of numbers for a page title.

5) Tried putting URL for the blog in there (just for fun) -no dice. Creates a new welcome page with a new long string of numbers for a title.

6) Tried resetting the Wiki Home Page with the green arrow thing -says HomePage? in the field. Nice -now I have the same welcome screen but it's back to being named Home Page.

7) Cursed the infernal machine. That didn't help. Pulled hair -no dice.

8) Posted here.

I'd be fine if I had to go into the database or a .php file and set it there but I can't find the right table/field and I don't know if that's a bad thing to do.

posts: 4668 Japan

This works correctly for me in 6.2, but the "Use Tiki feature as homepage" selector (on Admin General, Navigation tab) is a little quirky. It doesn't show the correct current setting, at least not all the time. For example, my site was set to use a blog as the index page, but that selector showed "Wiki". To check if the selector works, I switched it to Articles, and that worked, and then back to Blog, and that worked too, but the selector still said "Articles."

Can you try switching that to something else and then back to your actual choice, just to check if it's the "instrument" that's broken and not the function?

That said, I do recall this feature not working in a previous release but it seems to be ok now.

-- Gary

posts: 257 United States

Hey Chibaguy! First, thanks. You have replied to my infrequent posts since V1.6 with good advice and I appreciate it. I know how much time you and others put in making Tiki. I try to help in the forums from time to time on the simpler stuff.

OK, I have succeeded in getting Tiki to show a Wiki Page instead of the welcome screen (set in admin/Wiki). That took a number of times setting it to the new page and eventually it took. So now at least I don't have the welcome screen anymore.

Setting to Blog though: In Gen/Nav I have changed it back and forth between a forum, a file gallery and the blog I actually want (and "Wiki" too) just to kind of hope it would take one of them. It never changes from the wiki page I chose (above). I have also noticed that what it reports back in the pull down field seems to change from what I chose.

I have also tried the Use URL and I put the whole URL with the HTTP, and without, but that does nothing either. It's as if that portion of General Nav does not actually write anything to the database (or index file?).

Is there a field (hopefully only one or two)in the database I can get in and change? (I've done this o0ccasionally when a creating a new module would blank me and lock me out.)

I suppose another solution would be to do a redirect at the server so anyone coming in to the main url would get redirected to the URL for the blog but the Home button in the top bar would still take you to the Wiki page.

posts: 257 United States

Also, for what it's worth, As I'm testing all this I open another window with the site's home page so I can refresh it and see if anything changes. That window shows me logged off. (I've also cleared the cache in the browser and closed completely out of the browser and back in thinking the cache would be a problem)

I've had this happen before the upgrade where, when I'd click a link it would open it but I'd be logged out.

Oddly the window I'm on in admin still shows me logged in and I can make changes.

posts: 257 United States

Still can't get the blog as a home page. I set up a redirect at the server and it still goes to the wiki page I sleected in admin/wiki.

Looked at the .htaaccess file (which I know nothing about)and it shows kind of the blog url but it's formatted weird. Instead of

it's http\:\/\/pocketprogressive\.org\/tiki\-view_blog\.php\?blogId\=2

I changed it to the first one above but that did nothing so I changed it back to the weird one.

I am at a complete loss as to how to make the blog the home page. Somewhere Tiki knows where to direct users who hit the site url and even with the redirect Tiki will always take users to the wiki page. I just cannot find where it is in the database, hta access file,the Admin General, the admin wiki and the redirect doesn't work.

It's my understanding that a redirect happens when the user hits the URL and the server then takes him to the url I told it to redirect to but do I have this wrong? Does a redirect take time to propagate to DNS servers?

I'm stumped. Somewhere there is a mysterious place where Tiki stores the page it wants to go to -Tiki knows it and I don't.

posts: 3665 United States
George Greene wrote:
Still can't get the blog as a home page. I set up a redirect at the server and it still goes to the wiki page I sleected in admin/wiki.

I have seen similar reports, however I am unable to duplicate the problem on my Tiki 6 site. It works fine for me: http://ricksapir.com/samples/sampletiki/

Just to make sure:

  • Did you set the Home Blog on the Admin: Blogs page?
  • Is the blog that you've selected visible to Anonymous?
  • Are there any special permissions or categories on the blog?


- Rick | My Tiki Blog | My Tiki UserPage

Now Available: Tiki Essentials, the #1 (and only) book for Tiki! Learn more...
Coming Spring, 2011: Tiki for Dummies Smarties, the best (and only) Tiki beginner's guide! Learn more...

Need more help? Try Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide and Tiki Essentials: What all Smarties need to know about Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware.

posts: 257 United States

Hey Rick, thanks!

The blog I want is set as Home Blog in blog admin.

Perms for the desired blog:

Anonymous can read blogs, view in module and view in module and feed the blog posts. I have a group of editors that can also create a blog and can post to a blog. No one but me can admin or assign perms.

I'm not sure what other special permissions there are and I do not have categories enabled as a feature at the site.

Still no dice.

I will call my hosting service to see oif there's some reason the redirect isn't working but I suspect that no matter what page is in the redirect, Tiki is intercepting it and saying nope, you're going here. That's why I was hopeful it was something stupid I missed like the perms you mentioned.

If I could find the place that Tiki stores the URL I would just change it manually.

posts: 3665 United States
George Greene wrote:
If I could find the place that Tiki stores the URL I would just change it manually.

In the tiki_preferences table, set tikiIndex to tiki-view_blog.php?blogId=1

I find it odd that it works on my site...


- Rick | My Tiki Blog | My Tiki UserPage

Now Available: Tiki Essentials, the #1 (and only) book for Tiki! Learn more...
Coming Spring, 2011: Tiki for Dummies Smarties, the best (and only) Tiki beginner's guide! Learn more...

Need more help? Try Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide and Tiki Essentials: What all Smarties need to know about Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware.

posts: 4668 Japan

This works at zukakakina.com, but not on my local Tiki installation. The local installation is a WAMP server on Windows XP, and SEFURLs have never worked on the local server, incidentally. I don't know if this is related to the problem with not being able to set a site index by URL. Is there anything special about your server? Windows, or Linux? etc.

-- Gary

posts: 257 United States


Here's the poop from my server:

cPanel Version 11.28.64
cPanel Build 51024
Theme bluehost
Apache version 2.2.17
PHP version 5.2.17
MySQL version 5.1.47-community-log
Architecture x86_64
Operating system linux
Shared IP Address
Path to sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail
Path to Perl /usr/bin/perl
Kernel version 2.6.32-29.1.BHsmp
cPanel Pro 1.0 (RC1)

Makes littloe sense to me because I am a video guy and these computer things, well, not so much.

Again. I appreciate all you and Rick and everyone else do to make Tiki the best!

posts: 257 United States

I set tikiIndex in MySQL table tiki_preferences to value:


Still I get the wiki page. I went into admin wiki and changed it to a differtent wiki page and I get that one so I can change wiki pages at will but tiki will not go to a blog page or any other feature but a wiki page.

I've tried Use URL and Use Tiki Feature in the General/Navigation -even combos with Use URL enabled and not enabled.

In MYSQL, here is what I see in the relevant part of the preferences table.

urlIndex http://pocketprogressive.org/tiki-view_blog.php?bl...
Edit Delete feature_menusfolderstyle y
Edit Delete language en
Edit Delete tiki_domain_redirects
Edit Delete wikiHomePage Welcome to The Pocket Progressive
Edit Delete jquery_effect_tabs fade
Edit Delete validateEmail y
Edit Delete registerPasscode
Edit Delete useRegisterPasscode n
Edit Delete feed_atom_author_name UncleGeo
Edit Delete feed_atom_author_email unclegeo@myaurora.org
Edit Delete feed_atom_author_url www.pocketprogressive.org.
Edit Delete feed_shoutbox n
Edit Delete feed_shoutbox_showAuthor n
Edit Delete feed_blogs y
Edit Delete feed_blog y
Edit Delete feed_forums y
Edit Delete toolbar_tool_youtube a:7:{s:4:"name";s:7:"youtube";s:5:"label";s:7:"You...
Edit Delete toolbar_custom_list a:2:{i:0;s:7:"youtube";i:1;s:5:"vimeo";}
Edit Delete toolbar_global fontname,fontsize,bold,italic,underline,strike,-, ...
Edit Delete toolbar_tool_vimeo a:7:{s:4:"name";s:5:"vimeo";s:5:"label";s:5:"Vimeo...
Edit Delete tikiIndex tiki-view_blog.php?blogId=2

Unless there's some switch somewhere else for telling tiki to stop using a wiki page as the index then I don't see what's wrong. Again, I know only enough MySQL to get my ass in hot water.

I see a field "tiki_domain_ redirects" -shopuld this have a value of "y"?(I'm obviously guessing here.)

posts: 257 United States

Just an update. Still can't set a blog as the homepage.

TikIndex through PHP MyAdmin in tiki_preferences table is set to the blog I want "tiki-view_blog.php?blogId=5". For laughs I've tried to put the "http://pocketprogressive.org/" before it but that doesn't work either

Use Tiki feature as homepage is set to "Blog: The Frame Shop"

Use different URL as homepage is set to "http://pocketprogressive.org/tiki-view_blog.php?blogId=5" and it's enabled.

I even have a redirect set up at the server to redirect "http://pocketprogressive.org" (domain does not need www)to "http://pocketprogressive.org/tiki-view_blog.php?blogId=5"

-and no matter what, Tiki goes to the Wiki home page. However, off site links, or entering any valid URL into my browser for any page on the site always goes right where it should.

And I'm absolutely amazed the server redirect doesn't even work!

Somewhere, when the URL is hit, Tiki is looking somewhere else for what URL it should go to and wherever that is, is set to the wiki page. I don't really know much about it but I have a feeling it has something to do with the weird install problem where I could not it to go off the install welcome screen for like a zillion tires until it just did one day.