Problem linking Tracker to Registration page
The information on setting up a Tracker was slightly confusing, (I don't see a fieldtype of "user", the closest is "user selector")
I'm using Tiki 7
The (default) Registration page has the following fields:
Copy to clipboard
Username:* Password:* Repeat Password:* Email:*
Copy to clipboard
Field1:* type="user selector" option="1,1" (this field is my Tracker key and should automatically copy the Username from the default form) Field2:* type = "textfield" Field3:* type = "textfield" Field4:* type = "textfield"
I have made all the respective connections through TikiAdmin, and my new form now looks like:
Copy to clipboard
Username:* Password:* Repeat Password:* Email:* Field2:* Field3:* Field4:*
thinking everything was as it should be, I went ahead and registered a test user, upon checking my Tracker Items, I see
Field1 | Field2 | Field3 | Field4 |
input2 | input3 | input4 |
Can anyone assist with where I've gone wrong, and how do I make Tracker (#1) Field1 copy the "Username" Field?