Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Missing tiki-db.php

posts: 2


I'm trying to install tiki 7.2 for the first time but keep getting a HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): when I go to

The logs complain about db/tiki-db.php which is not there.
There is a directory called db but it is empty.

Fri Oct 14 09:34:16 2011 error client X PHP Warning: include_once(db/tiki-db.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/html/t wiki/tiki-install.php on line 20
Fri Oct 14 09:34:16 2011 error client X PHP Warning: include_once(): Failed opening 'db/tiki-db.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear:/u sr/share/php') in /var/www/html/twiki/tiki-install.php on line 20

If I put a text file in /db I can read it from the web browser. When and how is the tiki-db.php created and written to?
Guess I'm doing something dumb again, cheers Paul

posts: 3665 United States
paul_a_johnston wrote:

The logs complain about db/tiki-db.php which is not there.
There is a directory called db but it is empty.

If your ../db/.. directory is empty, you're missing several Tiki files. That is why your installation is failing.

How did you install Tiki on your webserver? If you FTPed the files yourself, review the FTP log and see which transfers failed.


- Rick | My Tiki Blog | My Tiki UserPage

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posts: 2

Good morning Rick
I downloaded the tiki-7.2.7z file (twice) onto my PC and ftped it upto the Unix server.

-rw-r--r--. 1 apache apache 15605686 Oct 14 09:28 tiki-7.2(1).7z

And just extracted it into a directory called twiki.

root@blogging twiki# find . -name "*" -print | wc -l

Lots of files here!

root@blogging twiki# ls -l ./db
total 4
-rw-r--r--. 1 apache apache 6 Oct 14 09:58 test.txt

The only file I have in there is a file I created to test permissions.

Now the files are in the archive

root@blogging twiki1# 7za l tiki-7.2\(1\).7z | grep "/db/"
2011-09-29 20:29:17 ....A 979027 tiki-7.2/db/tiki-secdb_7.2_mysql.sql
2011-09-08 14:13:18 ....A 239002 tiki-7.2/db/tiki.sql
2008-03-30 15:28:52 ....A 81304 tiki-7.2/db/tiki_1.8to1.9.sql
2008-08-19 13:20:11 ....A 144496 tiki-7.2/db/tiki_1.9to2.0.sql
2009-03-03 23:16:30 ....A 3938 tiki-7.2/db/tiki_2.0to3.0.sql
2011-03-02 17:43:40 ....A 427 tiki-7.2/db/index.php
2011-03-02 17:43:40 ....A 2546 tiki-7.2/db/tiki-db-adodb.php
2011-03-02 17:43:40 ....A 2662 tiki-7.2/db/tiki-db-pdo.php
2011-07-25 05:40:02 ....A 7274 tiki-7.2/db/tiki-db.php
2011-03-02 17:43:40 ....A 1446 tiki-7.2/lib/db/tiki_registration_fields.php
2010-03-08 22:00:57 ....A 523 tiki-7.2/db/web.config
2008-07-13 16:50:37 ....A 64 tiki-7.2/db/.htaccess
root@blogging twiki1#

However after extracting

7za e tiki-7.2\(1\).7z

root@blogging twiki1# cd db
root@blogging db# ls
root@blogging db# pwd

Most strange!!!
Seems the "e" option for 7za is not extracting everything.
Give me tar anyday.

Cheers Paul