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Features / Usability

Features / Usability

How to make user id hyperlink to user information page

posts: 4

Im using TikiWiki 7.0

When I am logged in as admin I can click on admin in the login bar to access the tiki-user_information.php page. I'd like to allow other users the same function.

I have made User Profile PUBLIC and checked this thread but still its not working.


Any idea?

posts: 215

First go to the Admin home/Community, "User features" tab and turn on "User Preferences Screen". If you also turn on "Display 'MyTiki' in the application menu" it will make it easier for a user to get to their preferences.
You might also want to go the the Community, "General Settings" tab and select "Show user's information on mouseover" and any of the other options that offers.

The "User Preferences" page you turned on above has a drop down selection named "User information:" with the options Private (default) or Public. Changing the option to Public will make the user's name near the "Log Out" a clickable link.

How to get to the "User Preferences"? If you turned on "Display 'MyTiki' in the application menu", there will be a "MyTiki" option in the menu, with a submenu item of "Preferences".

If you did not turn on "Display 'MyTiki' in the application menu", or want to change someone else's preferences, then click on Admin/Users. In the user's row of information, under the "Action" column on the far right is a "Change user preferences: username" icon. Click on that icon and you can access the user's preferences page.

posts: 4

Thank you TomJarvis for your reply.

>>>>>>> The "User Preferences" page you turned on above has a drop down selection named "User information:" with the options Private or Public. Changing the option to Public will make the user's name near the "Log Out" a clickable link.

I also feel this should be the solution but i have already selected PUBLIC but still user's name near the "Log Out" is NOT clickable link.

I have also activated following but still user's name near the "Log Out" not getting hyperlinked.

User Preferences Screen
Display 'MyTiki' in the application menu
Show user's information on mouseover

Now i have added "Last Login" module which show list of last logged in users list. Surprisingly, user name here are clickable link but not near the "Log Out" and anywhere in tiki.

In "Last Login" module, i noticed one thing, might be it will help you to find out issue:
Admin user name is hyperlink as -

But non-admin user name is hyperlink as -

I think there is one small setting which i'm missing. can anyone help me?

posts: 215

I am using the most current update of Tiki version 6.

When I have "User Preferences Screen" selected on the Admin home/Community/"User features" tab, and I have changed that user's "User information:" to Public on their "User Preferences" page, and I log in as that user, then their user name, near the "Log Out", is a hyperlink with the format: /tiki-user_information.php?userId=4

My current server does not have php 5.2 installed, so I can not test under Tiki versions 7 or 8.

posts: 215

There may be some confusion because there are 2 places where there is a "User information:" drop down selection with the options "Private" or "Public".

One is on the individual user's "User Preferences" page, that is the one that must say "Public" for them to get their user name as a hyperlink in the Login module.

The second place there is a "User information:" selection is on the Community/"General Settings" page. On that page the "User information:" selection is for setting the default for the "User information:", what it will get set to for new users added after the default is changed. If you had "Private" as the default when the user you are having the problem with was added, and you changed the default to "Public" on the Community/"General Settings" page after they were added, then their individual "User information:" is still set to "Private" and they will not have their user name as a hyperlink in the Login module. Changing the default does not change value of that field for existing users.

To check the setting in the preferences for a user, go to Admin/Users and click on the "Change user preferences: username" icon in that user's row of information.

posts: 4

Perfect TomJarvis. You are right.

after making changes in 2 places, its started working.

and your last trick for changing preferences for existing user is time saving. 💡 Thanks once again.
