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Features / Usability

Re: Uploading Images

posts: 257 United States

Sorry, I see Rick gave a doc lionk for Ajax. So it look like I do turn off Ajax in it's entirety...

I did this and now when I go to edit a page there is nothing in the text window!

I re-enabled Ajax and Ajax auto save and it now notes I need to configure Ajax. I click the link, it presents me with the same Ajax and Ajax autosave options which I choose. It also has a new thingie that says "upload Progress Bar " and lets me Choose none (default) or "Ajax/Flash (browser based)". I left this at "none".

Whew, my text is back in the edit window! I try to add an image and I still get the old "Browse Server" dialog.

The edit window also said something about Thanks for using the new CKeditor... set a profile to WYSIWYG 6 or something like that. I followed through, it seemed to take and the message went away in the editor.

Still have the old "Browse server" dialog when I click the image icon.

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