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Features / Usability

Re: Re: Uploading Images

posts: 3665 United States

OK, I see the issue....

1. You're using WYSIWYG.... my posts have all been for wiki.

2. You're clicking the wrong button.

From your image, you're clicking the select picture button (which allows you to add a picture that you've already uploaded).

 Plugin Image
File not found.

You need to click the upload button:

Correct button
Correct button


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posts: 257 United States

Thanks Rick.

In WYSYWYG/Toolbars I found the "tikiimage" plug in which says "Choose or Upload Images" on hovering. I dragged that baby to the tool bar.

It is greyed out however so I figured I needed to go to the Editing and PlugIns admin and enable it but there is nothing labeled "tikiimage" or "Choose or Upload Images". I ha enabled both the "img" and "image" plug-ins but they didn't activate the "tikiimage" toolbar choice in the WYSYWYG.

I checked permissions and this is enabled for most groups and admin:
Can upload pictures to wiki pages (tiki_p_upload_picture)

So I'm halfway there.

posts: 257 United States

Another clue:
The icon for tikiimage shows up in the WYSYWYG toolbar Admin screen on the toolbar where I dragged it but when I save and go out to edit a page it's not there. I go back into the toolbar config and it is there.

That's why I figured it might be a permission but Can upload pictures to wiki pages(tiki_p_upload_picture) is enabled for me and most groups. And I'm an admin and I don't think I can disable me for anything anyway so it should always work at least for me.

posts: 257 United States

I cannot find anything about a toolbar icon being greyed out. There are actually a bunch of them in the lower plugin area that are greyed out. The "tikiimage" plugin does drag to the toolbar but remains greyed out. It's always there in the toolbar config screen but never shows in the actual WysiWyg editor on a page.

There seems to be no mention of this kind of problem anywhere I've looked. I thought it might be that I needed to go download and install the plugin but searching for "Tikiimage plugin" gets me nowhere.

I'm surprised this is not a defualt icon for the toolbar.

posts: 257 United States

Finally getting back to this!

I see now that you not only need to enable pictures in the admin wiki but also "Use File Galleries to store pictures" for storing them.

The icon now works, however it's a bit of a bummer because all the uploaded images show up in the top level File Gallery listings mingled in with all my nicely organized file gallery folders.

Is there any way to designate a folder where these can live (I have an Images folder)? I know that if you leave "Use File Galleries to store pictures" unchecked, it put's 'em in a non visible "wiki-up" directory but this then disables the "choose and upload image" button. Kind of a catch 22.

P.S. Torsten has helped me install v9 and config it and editing, and everything else, works fine in this new install -except this "choose and upload images" thing.

posts: 257 United States
Never mind -got it -advanced mode lets me pick a gallery.