Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Send email to all members of a group?

posts: 69

I maintain a website for an organization that has many activities, each coordinated by an activity chairman for each activity. I would like individual members to be able to self-enroll in whichever activity they want, and the activity chairmen to be able to compose emails that go to all enrolled members.

For example: a golf group, with golf chairman, who sends a monthly message to all enrolled golfers about that month's outing.

Is this possible? How would I go about doing this?

Thanks in advance,


posts: 1633 Canada

The simplest is to let users subscribe to Newsletters.

You can also subscribe groups to newsletters and let people join and leave groups with PluginSubscribeGroup. This is interesting if you want to use groups for other things. Ex. permissions, PluginGroup, etc.

You'll want to create a group for the Golf chairman to be allowed to send newsletters. Or you could make a group for all chairmen, and permit them to send newsletters to all groups, but with the understanding that they should only send to their own group.

M ;-)