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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Tiki site not visualizing after putting some code

posts: 14


This is a serious issue: I put some Javascript code in head section (from the look and feel section).

It's a ShareThis button.

After saving it, my Tiki site is visualizing just a blue page, so that I can't access to delete this code.

How can I fix it?

I use Tiki 8.3, the site in www.psycoteca.it

Many TNX!!!

posts: 215

Use phpmyadmin to access your Tiki database. The code you added will be found in the tiki_preferences table, so browse that table. If you added the code to the "Custom HTML <head> Content" section under the "Customization" tab, the "name" column will contain "feature_custom_html_head_content". Delete that row and it will remove the code you added.

I just tested this and I also had to clear the cache before the delete took effect. So, if you still have the problem after deleting the code through phpmyadmin, access your site using a different browser (if your usual browser is Firefox, use Chrome or IE). You only have to use the other browser to log in and clear the cache.

posts: 14

TNX for you suggestions!

I found "feature_custom_html_head_content" (there were the code I added.

I deleted the "feature_custom_html_head_content" row.

The problem didn't solve.

I installed Chrome, but the problem didn't solve.

I'll try by using another computer...

posts: 14

I tried by using another computer, but the problem still remains...

I really don't know how to handle it!

Is it possible to clear the cache by using phpmyadmin?

posts: 215

It is not possible to clear the cache using phpmyadmin. The best way to clear the cache is by being logged in and using the clear cache option.

When I view the source for your HomePage, I still see a sharethis.com script line. But it is not in the location of the code where the "Look & Feel / Customization / Custom HTML &lt;head>" option would have inserted it. Are you sure you didn't use some other tiki option to try and insert that line of code?

posts: 14

Well, I tried many ways before going to modify the layout code...

First I tried enabling the ShareThis plugin (bundled in Tiki), but it added only the green button, and it didn't appear on the wiki pages.

The green button is useless for me, so I needed to insert the icons list.

So I created a custom module: I inserted the Java code. I tried to to use the JS formula, too, but I wasn't able to put the new module in the site layout: when I clicked on "Assign", I received an empty page.

Then I tried the last chance, the one I reported in my previous threads.

I really don't remember other ShareThis code.

Maybe I should delete all this ShareThis attempts?
How can I do it from phpmyadmin?

Should I simply delete the rows?

If I don't remember all the places where I put that code, is there a way to search it through the database?


posts: 215

In my phpmyadmin, after I have selected the tiki database, there is a "Search" tab. Going to that tab brings up a option to search all the tables for a string. If your phpmyadmin has that option, enter sharethis.com as the word to search for, select all of the tables, and click on the Go button. It should tell you every table where sharethis.com is found. You could then browse each of the tables the string is found in and remove the rows with the sharethis script.

Another way to search all the tables would be to export all the tables to your computer and then search the generated sql file for the sharethis.com text. That text will be in a group of lines that begin with "INSERT INTO" and the table name. You could then browse each of the tables the text was found in, and remove the rows with the sharethis script.

posts: 14

I searched for the javascript string: I deleted those rows.

Should I delete the other "sharethis" rows? (not "share this.com")
(i.e.: "blog_sharethis_publisher", etc...?)

I admit it: sometimes I'm really tempted to come back to Wordpress (I have other infos to ask, but first I have to solve this matter), but it's a pity: Tiki is a very complete platform!

posts: 215

Do not delete any other "sharethis" rows, only the ones with "sharethis.com". There are several "share this" options in Tiki. There is the Share This feature which you tried and didn't care for, and there is a Share This plugin, and a Share Module. I have not tried using any of them so I can't recommend one.

The sharethis.com line of code still shows up when you do a view source of your failing HomePage. Are you sure you deleted all of them? When you were trying things, did you try editing the css or template files? The source for those is not in the MySQL database.

posts: 14


Where can I find them?

posts: 215

I am very sorry but I have been mistaken about the "sharethis.com" line of script. I thought what I was seeing was what you were adding, but I was wrong. (As I mentioned, I have not tried any of the Share options before, so I didn't recognize the code that was being generated).

Thinking that maybe you had updated the header.tpl template, I took a look at it, and it already has the sharethis.com script code line in it. So that line is added to the code by turning on the share feature and share options in either blogs or articles. The sharethis.com line I was seeing is not causing the problem.

This means that when I view the source of your failing HomePage, there is nothing there to show me what the problem is, other than the page being truncated because code for the whole page is not being generated.

Could you do a search of the tables for some string from the "share this" button code you were trying to add?

Did you check the error messages in your website log?

posts: 14

I checked my tables, but I only can find the strings related to the native ShareThis features.

Plus, I get two "changed custom module ShareThis" in the admin modules, object "system" in the tiki_actionlog.

I think these are my attempts to create a custom modules for the ShareThis button javascript code.

Should I delete them?

sorry for my ignorance: where can I find my error logs?

posts: 215

I think you are correct about the "changed custom module ShareThis" being from your custom module attempts. They sound like something you would find in the tiki_actionlog table. If they are, then they are just log entries saying a custom module named ShareThis was changed. If those lines are in the tiki_actionlog table, it will not help to delete them. The tiki_actionlog table might be useful in figuring out what is causing your problem. Scan the last entries in the table to see your last changes before the problem started.

Do you have a Control Panel (Cpanel, Plesk, Kloxo, ...) to manage your web account? Is that how you accessed phpmyadmin? Most Control Panels have an option for viewing both the access log and error log.

posts: 14

The last entries in the tab are:

486) wikiplugin_pluginmanager

487) feature_custom_html_head_content

488) header_custom_js

489) header_custom_js

I tried to search the "header_custom_js": I had 1 empty result under "tiki_preferences".

The "head_content" compares only in the actionlog.

I was not able to find any error log option on my webpanel: I just asked the support team.

I really don't know where's the matter.

There's a new release of TikiWiki: maybe I should upgrade? Maybe this could solve the matter (exporting all the content and re-inserting it after the upgrade finished)?

posts: 215

I would not upgrade to Tiki 9 yet, it has not been beta released yet. There is a 8.4 release, if that is what your are referring to (you appear to be at 8.3).

You may still have some custom code in the tiki_preferences table. Check tiki_preferences for any of these values in the "name" column:

If you find any, delete the whole row (you mention that have header_custom_js in tiki_preferences, delete that row).

Your pages are failing before the &lt;/head> line is inserted, so it looks like there could still be a problem with some custom code from the "Look & Feel / Customization" tab.