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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

LDAP / Active directory

LDAP / Active directory

Both-way sync

Dear all,

I have set up LDAP authentication for Tiki. I have enabled the options:
Synchronize Tiki groups with a directory
Synchronize Tiki users with a directory

and configured the LDAP and LDAP external groups tabs.

Everything's working fine except one thing. When I log in with an non-existing user in Tiki, it correctly creates the Tiki user using the LDAP info. If afterwards I modify, for example, the email address in LDAP, it gets correctly synced in Tiki.
However, if I modify the mail address of the Tiki user, the LDAP info is not updated.

In order words: I see that the LDAP-Tiki synchronization is only LDAP to Tiki, and not in the other direction.

Is this the expected behavior? Can it be configured differently? Is it planned to implement both-way synchronization with LDAP?

I'm using Tiki 9.2

Thanks a lot


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