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Random images - Carousel? galleriffic?

posts: 12

I am trying to add a module to allow me to have a number of pictures (currently stored in File galleryId=21) randomly scroll through on the side of the page (you know.. pics of employees, that kind of thing) and I can't figure out how to do this. I've tried using both galleriffic and carousel with carousel coming the closest, but I cannot get the photos to size properly (they are all different sizes) and they appear tiny or take up half the page.

The following is the current coding I have:

Copy to clipboard
{carousel fgalId="21" displayProgressBar="1" displayThumbnails="1" displayThumbnailNumbers="1" displayThumbnailBackground="1"}

How can I have the photos pulled from file gallery #21 and create the carousel affect PLUS have the images appear no larger than 250px? (preferable auto-size them all to this size)

I would REALLY appreciate any suggestions!


posts: 1817 Catalan Countries

no idea, Reggie. I hope you can support a developer to fix them so that they autoresize as you expect them to do it.

In the meantime, you can try the PluginSlider


posts: 12

The PluginSlider looks interesting, but how would I tell it to use ALL the photos from a gallery?

I'm trying to get it to pull (preferable randomly) any of the photos from galleryId=21 to display without having to spell each title out (something that will change every time additional photos are added or ones deleted)

All the following code shows is two lines - no photos or anything else:

Copy to clipboard
{SLIDER( titles="Title 1" expand="y" buildnavigation="y")} galleryId=21 {SLIDER}

Any suggestions?

posts: 12
Any suggestions?
posts: 12
So, any pluginslider experts out there?
posts: 12


So, any pluginslider experts out there?

posts: 12



posts: 1563 Germany

Hi Mysickpc,

sorry, that no slider crack has time or realises your question.

I have no time these days by myself - even not being a slider crack - but I just can give you some hope:

When I wanted to use the slider, I just fiddled a bit and I think, I remember that: Got an example copied from a documentation page on doc.tiki.oprg, got this running and the started to make changes (on my own site thought).

So if you look a bit into it, it should be possible to get it working.
Sorry not to have time to solve it for you right at the moment.

dup. bump

posts: 3665 United States

I believe that the Carousel plugin requires that all images be the same size. See the note on the theme page for details.

You could try using the file gallery settings to resize all uploaded images to 250px wide. See the docs for details.


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