Remove Topic Posted by Phylip 11 Feb 2004 11:26 GMT-0000 posts: 32 When you remove topic in ->Articles->AdminTopics->Remove, not only does it remove the topic, but also removes the articles filed under that topic. I think this needs to be made clearer in the Documentation as today I was the victim of such actions 🙁 Keep up the good work folks! Phylip
Posted by Damian Parker 10 May 2004 19:32 GMT-0000 posts: 2881 Hi Guys Do we know if this is still the case in branch-1-8. Id like to get its behaviour changed if it is. Damian
Posted by Philippe Cloutier 10 May 2004 20:14 GMT-0000 posts: 1001 In french there's "Retirer" (Remove) and "Détruire avec les articles" (destroy with articles). The second is the dangerous one, and there's already a confirmation step. Like other confirmation steps there's no message stating what action you requested, but I think it stays pretty safe.