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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Autocomplete Textbox in Tracker

posts: 11

Hi There,

I have a large list of occupations that users need to select, that I'd prefer not to add to a dropdown box. What I'd like is to have the user begin typing the name of the field, and an "autocomplete" type feature then suggests an item for selection.

Is this possible currently using the tracker? Any help on this and possible alternatives would be appreciated.

posts: 1817 Catalan Countries

Yes, this is possible (at least in 12.0, but probably in earlier versions too)
Use tracker field "text field", and select "Autocomplete" as an option in the interface of that field options.

posts: 11

Hi Xavi,

Thanks for the response. I noticed that feature, but not really sure how it works. From where does this feature draw the autocomplete options from? I switched it on and tried typing a few things, but it never prompted anything to be completed.

posts: 1817 Catalan Countries

Hi NSM. Can you reproduce your issue in a public tiki site, such as the 12.x version of http://demo.tiki.org ?

Because the feature works nicely for me, in tiki 9 lts, and tiki12 lts (the versions I use for production)


posts: 215
I am pretty sure the feature works, but that it uses previous values of that particular tracker field for the autocomplete values. So, if you have no previous items defined in that tracker, the autocomplete does not have any values to draw from.

posts: 11

On there is a dropdown with a search dialogue. Does anyone know how that works?

Hey there, thanks to both of you for the responses. I've managed to get the feature working, but it's not quite what I want. Basically for three reasons:

  • It appears as though the search is case-sensitive
  • It is based on previous values for the text field, which doesn't really suit my needs
  • There's no validation available, so users can still add any field they want (i.e. it doesn't replicate the utility of a dropdown).

Thanks for the help, though. I at least know now how the feature works. I think I've resigned myself to using a dropdown for this one.

posts: 1817 Catalan Countries


You can easily achieve what you want in Tiki11+, for instance, using a dropdown tracker field, with your predefined options, and ensure that you have enabled the "Chosen" library.

posts: 11
Wow, that's perfect. Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks so much.