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Architecture / Installation

tiki-admin.php no content

posts: 2 Germany


after successful installing via ftp and login as admin, I can use any administrative submenu.

(Version 1.6.1 because of memory limit at my provider)

But if I click on "Admin (click)" the result is an empty page except the left menu is visible.

Also the direct input of URL: ....../tiki-admin?page=features

shows the same empty page.

I hope someone can help me!



posts: 2881 United Kingdom


Sounds to me like the memory limit issue is showing there. Part Blank pages are usually one of the pointers.

Probably a good idea to check out a TikiFriendlyHost.

posts: 2 Germany

Hi Damian,

the current limit at my hoster is:

* CPU-Time: 8 Sec
* Memory: 8 MB RAM
* Max. Skript runtime: 90 Sec

the next levels I could buy are:

* CPU-Time: 10 Sec
* Memory: 8 MB RAM
* Max. Skript runtime: 90 Sec
* CPU-Time: 10 Sec
* Memory: 20 MB RAM
* Max. Skript runtime: 90 Sec

but I'm not shure if that will solve my problem because I have a local installation
at home with 8 MB limit that works very well.

Please can you take a look at the php info at the following URL's:


My tiki version is 1.7.4

Many thanks


posts: 46 Norway

I had the same problem with Tiki 1.7*. My problem was due to the template dir being corrupted when uploading via ftp. The problem was solved by re-uploading that particular dir (and checking the transfer log that there where no errors).


posts: 46 Norway

I had the same problem with Tiki 1.7*. My problem was due to the template dir being corrupted when uploading via ftp. The problem was solved by re-uploading that particular dir (and checking the transfer log that there where no errors).
