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Features / Usability

[SOLVED] How to edit the users Real Name in preferences?

posts: 5

This may be the dumbest question - but I don't see how to edit a users real name.

I keep looking at this silly page https://doc.tiki.org/User+Preferences and I understand that mine might look different being Tiki 12.0. But come one, that field (the Real name field) can't be edited! Not by admin, not by the user himself, it's just there: "System Administrator" for admin, and an empty space for any regular user. Wich... can't be edited.

Looked everywhere for some option to toggle or something. Not a clue what's going one. Can you guide me in the right direction? Sure it must be something really simple, I can't believe this is a bug or a major lack in function...

posts: 1817 Catalan Countries

You can (as admin) go over the admin wizard, and in the "users and community", you should be able to enable using the real names, and therefore, you would be able to edit your realname in the user preferences screen, or the simpler 'User Wizard'.

posts: 3665 United States

Some things to check:

1. Do you have the Real name option enabled? This is required to allow the use of "real names."
2. Do you have the __User Preferences screen enabled)? This is required to allow users to modify their preferences.
3. What theme are you using? Is it possible that the field is editable, but just appears as "display-only" because of your theme or customizations?

I can confirm that users are able to change their Real Name on several of my Tiki 12LTS sites.


- Rick | My Tiki Blog | My Tiki UserPage

Why be a dummy? Get smarty! TikiForSmarties.com
Tiki for Smarties, your source for the best (and only) Tiki books, guides, and tutorials.

posts: 5

I did run the Wizards again (hope this doesn't have some side effects on a running website) to no avail... Even in the user wizard still doesn't let me edit the name!

1. I have this option (hope this is the one) Real name (found in community) enabled;
2. Also User Preferences Screen (found in community) is enabled and I can access the page /tiki-user_preferences.php but just can't edit that field;
3. Those were pretty obvious and it's not like I didn't search, read, try things. So It might be something else. But about the theme, how is this possible to not allow me to edit something? It was my first assumption that, maybe it just doesn't "show" to be editable. But it really isn't... Can't write in that area.

The theme is a modified version of "twist" with "flick" as jQuery UI Theme. And no other problems to report.

Please help me investigate this further as seems a bigger problem than I thought.

PS Changed the theme to fivealive and others, no effect, pls see the attachment.
PPS A Happy Easter Holiday to all of you!

posts: 3665 United States

I don't know. I'm unable to duplicate your problem on http://demo.tiki.org — the Real Name field is editable in all themes for me.

You indicated that you're using a "modified version" of the Twist theme. I'd start looking at your modifications, maybe you've changed the input element in some way.

Have you tried logging this as a bug and attempting to duplicate the issue? If you cannot duplicate the issue on the tiki.org server, then there may be a conflict on with your theme, a browser plugin you're using, etc. As I said, I cannot duplicate your issue.


- Rick | My Tiki Blog | My Tiki UserPage

Why be a dummy? Get smarty! TikiForSmarties.com
Tiki for Smarties, your source for the best (and only) Tiki books, guides, and tutorials.

posts: 5

Hello - SOLVED; made me think exactly the fact that I couldn't duplicate it myself; but with some older backup worked fine. And the problem is...............:

-if one would enable other "combo" types of authentication, Tiki doesn't allow editing the name, maybe it expects to be retrieved through the proper mechanism.

If I leave the the authentication as "Tiki" I can edit the field, no problems. It was Tiki and LDAP in my case, from some previous tests.

Thanks for your efforts, and I am sorry that I didn't think at it earlier. I suppose it is the default behaviour?

Pfff, this one scared me good!

posts: 8

I had the same issue (also in my case I couldn't edit the field "Realname")and this solution works also for me.