Edit source of pages Posted by Alex 08 Jul 2014 07:50 GMT-0000 posts: 8 (Tiki 12.x) How to grant a not Admin group (o user) the possibility to use the source editing in order to contribute to specific pages. Inside permission page i can find only "view source code" but not "edit source code". Thanks
Posted by SebD 08 Jul 2014 13:22 GMT-0000 posts: 11 Hi You are not looking for the right perm. "Edit the source code" is called "Modify a wiki page" on the perms page. You can set it per object or per category for each group. "View the source code" is just a way to watch the code of the content of a wiki page without the edit perm.
Posted by Wiebe 20 Apr 2018 09:20 GMT-0000 posts: 37 Kicking an old topic from 4 years ago. As Admin i'm able to view the source code. of a wiki page. And I like to give the option to a selected group of users to modify the source of a page. Looking at https://doc.tiki.org/Permissions and to the global / category permissions on my Tiki installation, there is no longer a "Modify a wiki page" permission as SebD posted 4 years ago. How can I set the 'edit source code' permissions?
Posted by luciash d' being 🧙 20 Apr 2018 11:49 GMT-0000 posts: 2434 There i tiki_p_edit permission to edit "source code" - I hope you mean the wiki syntax by "source code". luci
Posted by Wiebe 23 Apr 2018 07:14 GMT-0000 posts: 37 Hi Luci, I'm sorry for the confusion, I'm indeed talking about giving the users permissions to edit the wiki syntax directly (in my case html mixed with wiki syntax). And, I fixed it! According to Toolbarslib.php both 'tiki_p_wiki_view_source' and 'tiki_p_use_HTML' needs to be enabled. The later is only possible to set by global permission, not by category permission.
Posted by nikosal 10 Jul 2014 16:20 GMT-0000 posts: 98 Exactly so. You can use "view the source code" if -for example- you want to copy it somewhere else (eg. part of it to another page) without opening the edit tool.