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posts: 61

when i edit a mdoule and save it all the " and ' and \ get escaped. which i do not want because the the module won't work any more.
(i had to go with ftp and remove the \ to fix the file and my site)

what to do??


posts: 1001 Canada
hum, are you using MySQL?

posts: 2881 United Kingdom

Do you mean edit a module via adminmodules, Those characters will get escaped so that when it gets saved into the db mysql wont complain.

If your talking about a mod- file in modules/ or templates/modules/ I'll need to know what editor your using.


posts: 61

i use the tiki editor.
but it happens all over the place. when i make an artikel i copy and paste the image tag [img src="...."} into the artikel
then the picture will not work because it gets ecsaped to:
[img src=\"....\"}
(made the first { a [ to make sure it does not gets interpreted)

so probably it gets escaped goning into the db (i use mysql) but it does not get de-escapde getting it out of the db.

posts: 2881 United Kingdom

> tibi:
> i use the tiki editor.
> but it happens all over the place. when i make an artikel i copy and paste the image tag [img src="...."} into the artikel
> then the picture will not work because it gets ecsaped to:
> [img src=\"....\"}
> (made the first { a [ to make sure it does not gets interpreted)
> so probably it gets escaped goning into the db (i use mysql) but it does not get de-escapde getting it out of the db.


img src= doesnt need the " quotes " ๐Ÿ˜‰


posts: 61

> img src= doesnt need the " quotes " ๐Ÿ˜‰

you are right so my examlpe is not the best one but the problem stay's
if i add text with ' or " in it there are \ added to it.
like in artikeles:
the man said, "what"
gets transformed to
the man said, \"what\"

you see the problem?

posts: 23 Germany

Perhaps problem is based on the php.ini file.
Look there for
; Magic quotes for incoming GET/POST/Cookie data.
magic_quotes_gpc = On

; Magic quotes for runtime-generated data, e.g. data from SQL, from exec(), etc.
magic_quotes_runtime = Off

and try different settings. I am not sure if you need to restart apache to bring changes into effect.

posts: 2881 United Kingdom

> tibi:
> i use the tiki editor.
> but it happens all over the place. when i make an artikel i copy and paste the image tag [img src="...."} into the artikel
> then the picture will not work because it gets ecsaped to:
> [img src=\"....\"}
> (made the first { a [ to make sure it does not gets interpreted)
> so probably it gets escaped goning into the db (i use mysql) but it does not get de-escapde getting it out of the db.


img src= doesnt need the " quotes " ๐Ÿ˜‰


posts: 61

> img src= doesnt need the " quotes " ๐Ÿ˜‰

you are right so my examlpe is not the best one but the problem stay's
if i add text with ' or " in it there are \ added to it.
like in artikeles:
the man said, "what"
gets transformed to
the man said, \"what\"

you see the problem?

posts: 23 Germany

Perhaps problem is based on the php.ini file.
Look there for
; Magic quotes for incoming GET/POST/Cookie data.
magic_quotes_gpc = On

; Magic quotes for runtime-generated data, e.g. data from SQL, from exec(), etc.
magic_quotes_runtime = Off

and try different settings. I am not sure if you need to restart apache to bring changes into effect.

posts: 4665 Japan

This could be the problem: At one of my Tiki sites, on the Admin General page, I originally had the server OS set to "Unknown/other" and didn't have any problem with escaped quote marks. Then I set it to "Unix" 'cause I thought that was the right thing to do, and suddenly I get escapes all over the place. Then set it back to "Unknown/other" and the escapes stopped. So I'd say try changing that setting and see if the escapes continue.

-- Gary

posts: 4665 Japan

My post about the server OS setting may not be relevant after all. I'm getting escaped quote marks again now no matter how server OS is set. I need to track down where it happens, though. Still checking.

-- Gary

posts: 63 United Kingdom

Me Too

I'm also having problems with characters being escaped in just about everything from the database.

I notice that if you preview the submisison, correct the escaping characters, in the edit box underneath the preview and then save the submission, wiki, post or whatever, THEN the escaping characters don't crop up again.

Obviousley this isn't an ideal solution because it means you have to preview and re-edit any edit you make to anything ๐Ÿ˜‘but it is a start right๐Ÿ˜‘

It's worth noting that, once you've fixed the posting or whatever from the preview, it then stays fixed and you can re-edit without having to correct the same errors again.