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v13.1 installer bombs on Windows server 2008 r2

posts: 5 USA

I entered this message in the Architecture/Installation forum but was told to move it here.

New member here, first post.
Trying to install Tiki 13.1 for evaluation purposes, not going well. I would appreciate any feedback, as at this point we are ready to move on to evaluating other CMS offerings, but want to give Tiki one more shot. I have read all the relevant threads on this forum and tried all the suggestions to no avail.

Server = Windows 2008 r2, running IIS (cannot run Apache on this site). No errors in Event logs.
Browser = IE 9 and latest version of Firefox, same results
MySql v5.6.22 (on same box) install is all good.
PHP 5.5.20 install all good.
Tiki-check says all good, even upped PHP memory setting to 256 mg to be safe.

The Tiki installer failed on database create. So using the directions here
I did these steps:
1.1. Create your db/local.php file
1.2. Insert tiki.sql
All good. I went thru all the steps here
all ok. phpMyAdmin says database looks good, I can query records there in.
Ran the installer, it bombed on the database page. So...

As per thread
- tried creating new admin user and put that in db/local.php,
- found install.ini.dist in /db, uncommented lines for local file and renamed to install.ini

Now, back in the browser, whether using admin, index or installer.php, tiki bombs with a blank page in the browser. I see this commonly at the top of any of those pages:
require_once ('tiki-setup.php');
So I try to run the setup page directly, but it has a comment at the top:
// die if called directly.
So one would not expect that to work, it redirects to Index. php.

Bottom line, on Windows 2008 r2, the Tiki installer is broken. We wanted to use this old test box to evaluate the product. Is this server supported at all? Does the tiki for windows server installer work on any versions of the OS?


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