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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Features / Usability

Features / Usability

can i customize th tikiwiki?

posts: 39

Hi tikiwiki community,

i am a basic user of tikiwiki user. I know php and mysql very well. my doubt is i want to integrate user registration developed by me to tikiwiki. In this processs i want to disable tikiwiki registritation process. Please help me to do this..

1)can i disintegrate tikiwiki.
2)how can i integrate outside modules to tikiwiki.
3)how to start my learning process to achieve better understanding of tikiwiki code .?

thank you for all..


posts: 2881 United Kingdom

We dont have any Tiki Developer Documentation. We are looking to do something along these lines soon.

First I would start to look at the tiki-login module and tiki-login.php code.

Your also going to need to look at the user hash and how we use the users_users table throughout the tiki engine.

The best documentation for you here is infact a mug of coffee and the source code.
