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Features / Usability

Forum Group Watches in tiki 14.0

posts: 34

In tiki 13 you were able to choose watches for both topic or thread. With 14 it only appears to give the option for both combined. Which is annoying because everyone is being mailed on every post, I only wanted the new topics to be mailed.

Any way around this, or am I missing something?



posts: 34
'Group' watches that is
posts: 496

yes, it was missing, i added back the code from Tiki13 to Tiki14 in r55169

it should work, please test and let us know, thanks!

posts: 34

Hi Gezza.

The feature is there and it does work but it mails both thread AND topic, I only want it to mail topics.  People complain if it mails every thread reply.

I've added a screenshot, you can see user watches has the option to enable thread and topic seperatelly and combined, whereas group watches has only one option: combined.



posts: 496

Hi Davie

I understand, that is why added back the monitor topics option as I wrote in my last comment. 

I attached a screenshot on what I see in my Tiki14 using the latest revision from SVN



posts: 34

Ahh, sorry, I was looking at the wrong download location.

Thanks again Gezza!

posts: 34
Just figured out how to use SVN, it's awesome.  Thanks.