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Architecture / Installation

File gallery "unable to access files"

posts: 257 United States

First: I am a bonehead and there just is no question about it. Feel free to agree. While doing server cleaning after an account change I inadvertently nuked the directory that stores all the files for the file gallery. Let's all say it together "Uncle Geo is a bonehead."

Blue Host's most excellent tech support people helped me find a backup that contains most of the deleted files. I recovered the files, uploaded them to a directory with the same name in the same place on the sever but I still get an "Unable to access file: ../../pocketprogressive-files/filegallery/7e62f0a6a644399702dd82c2dfa34a17" error.

Other relevant info bits:

  • This happened after I sold one of my old domain names (for 6 grand! Woo hoo!) and had to change the main account to a new domain name. Neither the old or new domain names were the domains for my Tiki "SVN pre 9.1 installation" that Torsten Fabricius so kindly did for me a while ago.
  • This is all happening on one server account -i.e. Tiki install is pocketprogressive.org in my main account unclegeo.net (was bstock.com).
  • Path in File Gallery settings is ../../pocketprogressive-files/filegallery/ (see pic). This worked before.
  • FileGallery directory on server located at /home/bstocko/pocketprogressive-files/filegallery (see pic)
  • I noticed that none of the recovered files have filename extensions -ex: 06707d156469d0035f8087d159b5c86e does not have a .pdf or .doc after it.

My guess is that there's a php file and/or mysql field that makes reference to bstock.com in a path that may need to be changed. Or maybe I'm wrong because, after all, I am a bonehead.

posts: 3665 United States

Can you cofirm that Tiki has access to the directory that is outside of your public_html folder? I know you said that it worked before, but here's a quick test...

To confirm that Tiki can read that directory, put an image file in the folder, then try to add it to a wiki page.


- Rick  |  My Tiki BlogMy Tiki UserPage

Why be a dummy? Get smarty! TikiForSmarties.com
Tiki for Smarties, your source for the best (and only) Tiki books, guides, and tutorials.


posts: 257 United States

Hey Rick! Long time no yak!

Seems like the Tiki.org site was being upgraded today, but we're back up now.

Perms on the "pocketprogressive-files" directory at the top level of the home directory is 755. The "filegallery" subfolder is also 755. I did notice that all the files have perms of 644.

I uploaded asiancrestedibis.jpg via file upload in the file manager at my cPanel -default perms 644. I then went to a page (http://pocketprogressive.org/tiki-editpage.php?page=Technology%20Corner) and added it by the full url http://pocketprogressive.org/pocketprogressive-files/filegallery/asiancrestedibis.jpg. 

No dice. (I also note that other images used around the site are gone).

I then changed the perms on the file itself to 755 - that didn't help either.

The document files in the filegallery folder don't have file extensions (.pdf, .doc). I'm guessing that's OK and that Tiki adds an extension it keeps somewhere in a database field for the item and then adds it to the file when it is downloaded.

posts: 3665 United States

The fact that you cannot even access the image directly from its URL


indicates that the issue is not with Tiki, but with the host setup. You'll need to find out why the location http://pocketprogressive.org/pocketprogressive-files/filegallery/ is inaccessible.



- Rick  |  My Tiki BlogMy Tiki UserPage

Why be a dummy? Get smarty! TikiForSmarties.com
Tiki for Smarties, your source for the best (and only) Tiki books, guides, and tutorials.
posts: 257 United States

I realized that my url is wrong as it points first into the pocketprogressive folder rather than the home. I changed it to http://unclegeo.net/home/bstockco/pocketprogressive-files/filegallery/asiancrestedibis.jpg and that didn't work either.


I'll call my hosting service.

posts: 257 United States

Blue Host was quite helpful. It's working now. 

The Blue Host tech found a post on the tiki forum about needing to run setup.sh again and figured that's where the permissions are set up to read the directory outside Public_html. He advised, however, against having the directory outside of public.html,  so I moved it inside, connected it in admin/filegalleries with path:  ../../public_html/pocketprogressive-files/filegallery/  and it worked without having to run setup.sh.

Rick, thanks! I've always appreciated your willingness to help. I'm winding up the site again to make it fresh and interesting. I'll be upgrading from 9 to the latest ands greatest, so I'll no doubt be back  to the forums putting my ignorance on public display!

