File gallery "unable to access files"
First: I am a bonehead and there just is no question about it. Feel free to agree. While doing server cleaning after an account change I inadvertently nuked the directory that stores all the files for the file gallery. Let's all say it together "Uncle Geo is a bonehead."
Blue Host's most excellent tech support people helped me find a backup that contains most of the deleted files. I recovered the files, uploaded them to a directory with the same name in the same place on the sever but I still get an "Unable to access file: ../../pocketprogressive-files/filegallery/7e62f0a6a644399702dd82c2dfa34a17" error.
Other relevant info bits:
- This happened after I sold one of my old domain names (for 6 grand! Woo hoo!) and had to change the main account to a new domain name. Neither the old or new domain names were the domains for my Tiki "SVN pre 9.1 installation" that Torsten Fabricius so kindly did for me a while ago.
- This is all happening on one server account -i.e. Tiki install is in my main account (was
- Path in File Gallery settings is ../../pocketprogressive-files/filegallery/ (see pic). This worked before.
- FileGallery directory on server located at /home/bstocko/pocketprogressive-files/filegallery (see pic)
- I noticed that none of the recovered files have filename extensions -ex: 06707d156469d0035f8087d159b5c86e does not have a .pdf or .doc after it.
My guess is that there's a php file and/or mysql field that makes reference to in a path that may need to be changed. Or maybe I'm wrong because, after all, I am a bonehead.