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Odd/Even problem in latest 1.8 CVS

posts: 51 United States

I just pulled down the latest Branch-1-8 code and it is looking great.

One thing I noticed, is that the forum listing now has all rows set to EVEN (instead of alternating).

Pretty sure this was working before I pulled this. Thanks.


Is the only place I can set the "order" for the replies (newest vs oldest first) in Admin/Wiki settings? or is there a place to do this just for forums?

posts: 2881 United Kingdom

Hi Bobzim,

Which style are you using?

Seems to be ok for me


posts: 2881 United Kingdom

Actually the Admin Forum list doesnt alternate, but the usual forum listing and posts listing does

Does that help you shed a little light onto this?


posts: 51 United States

I was working with the new style I uploaded to Mods.tikiwiki (ztheme)... and yes - your point is valid. It simply needed the "cycle(Advance=true) added back (or out of an if statement) and that fixed the problem.

All is good now 😀


> Damian:
> Actually the Admin Forum list doesnt alternate, but the usual forum listing and posts listing does
> Does that help you shed a little light onto this?
> Damian
> 😉

posts: 51 United States

I was working with the new style I uploaded to Mods.tikiwiki (ztheme)... and yes - your point is valid. It simply needed the "cycle(Advance=true) added back (or out of an if statement) and that fixed the problem.

All is good now 😀


> Damian:
> Actually the Admin Forum list doesnt alternate, but the usual forum listing and posts listing does
> Does that help you shed a little light onto this?
> Damian
> 😉