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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Plugin Subscribe Groups

posts: 29

I may have discovered a bug and want to know if my usage is correct before I report it.

In an attempt to figure out how this plugin works I've created a wiki page and added

Copy to clipboard
{subscribegroups subscribe="Subscribe to a group" subscribestyle="table" showgroupdescription="y"}

to it.

I have permissions "tiki_p_group_join" and "tiki_p_subscribe_groups" set. And I have 4 groups set to "User can assign to the group himself"

This displays all groups I'm a member of and displays additional groups I'm able to subscribe to, and also displays a "Leave Group" link. This seems to function correctly.

What I know is not normal:
Clicking on 3 of the "Leave Group" links does not allow me to leave those groups. Clicking on 4th link unsubscribes me from one of the first 3 groups.

Before I report this as a bug, is using this plugin on a wiki page acceptable, or should it be used in another fashion?


posts: 29

Using this plugin in a custom module works as expected. I would still like to know if using this plugin in a wiki page is acceptable and should work as expected, or if it is a bug.

posts: 1563 Germany

Hi sholzy,

a WikiPlugin should work in wiki page in the same way as in a custom module.

In case that (like in your case) a WikiPlugin would not fully work or work differently in WikiPages or CustomModules I consider this a a bug aswell.
