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Architecture / Installation

User Preferences options have changed in updates?

posts: 27


Recently some of the users of my tiki database have been shooting me messages asking why they cannot change the homepage listed in their user information. I checked and found that the option to add a homepage is no longer available, and the option to add a "personal wiki page" as well. I'm not sure with which upgrade these options were removed. I have been looking at the admin options for user preferences and there does not seem to be any way to add these options back in. Does anyone have any suggestions? The TikiWiki documentation still shows the older version information (https://doc.tiki.org/User+Preferences).

I am running tiki 14.2 (http://www.takawiki.com)


posts: 4664 Japan


I confirmed that the user homepage form input is missing in Tiki 14, and then compared the relevant file (tiki-user_preferences.tpl) of Tiki 14 and the upcoming Tiki 15 and found that the lines to display the section of the form to input the user's homepage are missing in the Tiki 14 version. I don't know if there's going to be another Tiki 14 release, since Tiki 15 is coming soon. But I added the missing lines to the branch 14 file just in case.

If you're familiar with using FTP or some other kind of file manager to upload files to your server, I attached the updated tiki-user_preferences.tpl file to this post, and you could upload it to the "templates" directory in the Tiki files of your site. That is, there's a templates/tiki-user_preferences.tpl in place already at your site, and you'd replace that file with the one that I've attached here.

About the "personal wiki page", it looks to me like this can be set by the user on her or his User Preferences page (tiki-user_preferences.php). This is assuming the feature is activated on the "Community" admin page (tiki-admin.php?page=community).

-- Gary

posts: 27

Thank you, Gary, for the Homepage fix! Worked like a charm.

I thought I had looked over all of the options to activate on the "Community" admin page, and I can't see anything referring to the "personal wiki page." I wonder if I'm looking right over it?
