Permalink Posted by Andrzej 23 Mar 2004 22:08 GMT-0000 posts: 10 What is it and what is it for? Would sb explain me?
Posted by Andrzej 24 Mar 2004 21:32 GMT-0000 posts: 10 > Chealer9: > Check the Tiki User FAQ. I searched entire Tiki but didn't find anything explaining.
Posted by Andrzej 24 Mar 2004 21:32 GMT-0000 posts: 10 > Chealer9: > Check the Tiki User FAQ. I searched entire Tiki but didn't find anything explaining.
Posted by Rachael 26 Mar 2004 12:04 GMT-0000 posts: 46 Chealer9 may have been referring to this faq This faq is on the theme of trackbacking. Your question indirectly concerns trackbacking A permalink (ie a permanent link) is the uri that a blog post is allocated. I don’t have much experience with tikiwiki’s blog feature yet but I would imagine that it runs along the same principles of other blog software. When you write and save a blog post, the post is archived (permalink). If you choose to use the tools??? reference to??? (you pointing to an external link i.e. placing a trackback link with another blog) and “referenced by??? (another blogger linking to your post – i.e. a trackback) – then it is the permalink that is used to keep an external link attached to a particular post. Without a permanent link, and only a general link to your blog, readers would have problems knowing where/what the trackback link is refers to. Rachael