mysql error after install
After installing the tikiwiki, that is, after the script has created all the necessary tables, i'm taken to page tiki-index.php, where i get the following error
Warning: mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '-1' at line 1 in query:
select `permName`,`type`,`level`,`permDesc` from `users_permissions` order by `permName` desc
in /home/web/tiki/lib/tikidblib.php on line 125
Array ( )
$result is false
$result is empty
There's something wrong in the LIMIT clause in the query, i think it goes LIMIT 0,-1
Doeas anbody know why this happens?
I'm running apache 2.0.48, php5 RC1 (i also tried 4.3 with same results), mysql 4.1.1 alpha