Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

tracker problems after upgrading 12.8 -> 15.2

posts: 9 Netherlands

after upgrading from 12.8 to 15.2 I've several problems with my website.
the most important is that I cannot administer trackers anymore:
- cannot create new trackers
- cannot duplicate trackers
- cannot manage fields in existing trackers
- cannot filter existing lists anymore

(another problem is that the wysiwyg editor is not working, it hangs 'loading'. the tracker problem is now more important, because I've disable the wysiwyg editor. I mention it because these problems might be related?)

Could somebody set me on the right track?

my website is 'www.open-onderzoek.org'. The menu option 'WESP rapporten' gives an example of a tracker-list. If you try to select a filter, you can see that it doesn't give an field to enter a value.

posts: 9 Netherlands

I did some further testing by making a fresh install on the same server but in another directory. This version has none of the above mentioned problems with trackers, so I think it is safe to conclude that the problem is not related to the php configuration or other server issues.
If I could somehow export the contents of the upgraded version to this fresh version that could also help. Assistence is still appreciated.

posts: 9 Netherlands
I've tried to import my old MySQL database using PhpMyAdmin into a fresh installation. Unfortunately this resulted in MySQL errors. Is there another way to import content?

posts: 9 Netherlands
Another option might be that I use the 'old' database for the new install, the problem seems to be more software than database related. Can I change the database settings in tiki wiki?

posts: 9 Netherlands
Well, after 2 days struggling I find that tiki wiki is great software, but upgrading is a nightmare, and you're appearantly on your own if it doesn't work. Pity.