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Architecture / Installation

Error upgrading from tiki 12 to tiki 15

posts: 1 Sweden


I have tried several times to upgrade our tiki 12 to 15, but keeps getting errors.

After upgrading to 15

Cannot add users to Groups (when clicking "OK" button nothing happens)

In Tikilog I can see db errors (duplicate entry)

Session.save_handler = files in php.ini, but when I look in tikiwiki "Server fitness" it shows Session.save_handler = user

If I do a fresh install with a new database everything works.

Best regards

posts: 3 United States

Thomas, has anyone helped you with this? I have a server that I inherited that's running 12.3, and I want to upgrade it to 15.4, but know next to nothing about PHP, MySQL, and Tiki. I'm afraid that I'm going to run into issues if I try to upgrade. The server is in production, so I tried to build a new server with 15.4, and migrate the database, but the install is not typical. It was done by one of our former web developers, so stuff is moved around in non-standard folders, so the migration didn't work.


posts: 12

I have done several Tiki 12.x to 15.x upgrades and have not had any problem whatsoever. If you have inherited a Tiki install which has custom mods which are not properly documented then the first thing to do would be to identify and list the mods and customizations.

Only then can you do an upgrade. You will have to take the additional step of copying over the mods after your 12 to 15 upgrade has completed successfully.

I would be happy to take a look under the hood if you pm the url and credentials.