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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Disable Modules on Particular Pages

posts: 53 Australia


Is it possible to disable modules on particular pages?
For example, I would like my home page to look as clean as possible, but once a link to a wiki page or blog post is clicked, the modules should appear. Can this be done?


posts: 53 Australia

I found the answer. Simply add the pages to a custom category, such as 'NoCategory'. Then edit the module, and add 'nocategory=NoModule' to the parameters.

Hope this helps someone else too.

posts: 4657 Japan

There's actually a way that is set up already to do exactly that function, which is a few steps easier: just enter the page name in the "No page" field under the "Visibility" tab on tiki-admin_modules.php (or input "nopage=MyNoModulesPage" or whatever the page name is for custom modules).

-- Gary

posts: 53 Australia
That's a better solution. Thanks Gary