Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Wiki Image use best practices?

posts: 3 United States

I am setting up a wiki and I want to support images, I don't need them in a file gallery in general, though I am not against it.

I have tried a number of combinations of settings and none of them seem to end up with the system operating as I want/expect.

So... my goal is:

  • Registered users should be able to upload images when editing a wiki page.
  • On upload, the image should be immediately put onto the page.
  • The image selector / upload page should be as simple as possible for the user with no extraneous link or features.

I am using Tikiwiki v15.2

What I have done/seen is:

I setup the system to not use file galleries for wiki images:

  • The only way I could seem to get this to work was for the user to upload their images BEFORE editing the page, then in the page they needed to use the link or id of the image that they must have remembered from before the editing.
  • There did not seem to be any upload options or view the list of attached images from within the editor.
  • I also wonder what happens in this option if two users upload the same filename (image_0001.jpg or whatever)

I setup the system to use file galleries for wiki images:

  • when selecting the insert image icon, a popup window showed up with the full theme skinning (logon/off, menus, etc) trying to shove itself into the much smaller window, ending up with lots of extra things to confuse the users.
  • This also seems to show the file gallery controls to move between galleries etc... none of which are needed (or wanted) (this might be solvable via permissions, I haven't played enough with them yet to see, but the other issues are larger ones).
  • This did present the user with an upload option , but once the image was uploaded, they still have to find and select the images to drag them on to the page.
  • This did not seem to be able to show the images in a gallery format (with thumbnails), you had to scroll through the list of file names and hover over each to see the thumbnail... making it somewhat of a pain with larger galleries.
posts: 3 United States
BTW, I am using the spacelab theme if that makes a difference

posts: 758 United States
Once you upload the image using the upload browser you must click on the image to accept it, to load into the wiki page, does this help?