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Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Anonymizing Forum Users

posts: 17 United States

I work for a company that provides SaaS. We have multiple clients and would like for them to participate in the forums and provide product feedback. However, participation will be dampened if our clients can't make posts anonymously; that is, if clients can identify each other.

Is there an option to only allow certain users (admins, etc) to view the author of forum posts, but not anyone else? If there isn't, is there anyway to completely anonymize forum users?

posts: 12

I believe there is a 'post as anonymous' feature which must be enabled via the control panel: doing this will let a logged in user post as anonymous by checking a box every time. I am not sure if Admins can see who actually posted the message in the forum if the post as anonymous option is used.

A simple (but not very foolproof) solution would be to use css to make invisible the author in the list of messages of the forum. This is not foolproof because the name of the client who posted the message can be seen by viewing the HTML source, if anyone cares to do so.

The correct way to use TikiWiki to address your requirements would be to create a tracker, get clients to enter their reviews and use PrettyTracker templates to control exactly which fields other clients can see. It would be trivial for you to set this up yourself or you could hire a tiki consultant: see https://tiki.org/Consultants

posts: 17 United States
I found the option to enable anonymous posting. On the Forum, that option just creates a "Post as anonymous" button next to the "Post" button so the user has the option on which one they want to use. I wasn't able to find a way to have admins (or other specific users) find out who made the anonymous post. Thanks for your help Niel!