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LDAP / Active directory

Active Directory Integration Problem

United States

I've built a new TikiWiki on version 15.4 running on Windows Server 2008R2 with IIS7. I am able to log in as admin and work on configs, but when I try to log in using one of my domain users, it simply redirects me to a blank page, which turns out to be the login page. When I look at the Tiki Logs, I see that the user that's trying to log in is Anonymous, not the domain user. Where do I go to tell it not to attempt anonymous logins?

I verified that my AD/LDAP settings are correct, based on an existing Tiki installation running 12.x which works.
I added some additional authentication methods to the Authentication section in IIS, but that didn't help.
I disabled Anonymous Authentication in IIS, which didn't help either.
I looked in my PHP.ini file, and php_ldap.dll is listed under 'ExtensionsList'.


United States
For clarity, when someone attempts to log in, it gives an HTTP 500 error.
United States
I have the same issue - can't seem to figure it out and it's holding up using the Wiki :/


We're having the same issue on version 16.3

any update on this?


Solved it with this post: https://tiki.org/forumthread62519?topics_offset=2

changed the functions mentioned in the /vendor_extra/pear/PEAR.php file and now my LDAP login works perfectly.