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LeftCol bug remedies

posts: 57
Even the very latest FireFox still renders Tiki Wiki pages incorrectly occasionally. Check out UserPageRussWilde. It seems that the HTML generated by Tiki is a bit whacked, e.g., DIV tags that aren't closed.
posts: 63 United Kingdom

Thanks for the intro terris,

I've found quite a few style sheets include random useage of the term width="100%" in things like the left column etc, also some styles include a similarly cursed tiki.tpl template, which causes problems.

By systematically working around the use of width="100%" wherever possible, I've almost got my site to render properly using internet explorer!

I've also bypassed any chance of getting the LeftColBug, because I don't use the left or right columns. Although for demonstration purposes I could probably turn them on for a while.

Get in touch if you're interested, you can have a go at breaking my site 😉


posts: 2881 United Kingdom

I have a total cure!

Simply turn off the Left column and have everything in the right column

Works a dream and I've never had a problem!


posts: 63 United Kingdom
Yeah, Or No columns at all, as on my site. 😉
posts: 2881 United Kingdom

> RussWilde:
> Yeah, Or No columns at all, as on my site. 😉

hehe with the new damian.css in Tiki 1.8.3 -> click to view it you wont need any columns 😛

I dont think its down to the non-closed DIV tags as the pages validate in xhtml checker.

I think maybe a table row at the top of mid containing some single pixels might work better, but its worth noting that ive only really experienced it through really low bandwidth connections. or on very stressed out servers.


posts: 2881 United Kingdom

> RussWilde:
> Yeah, Or No columns at all, as on my site. 😉

hehe with the new damian.css in Tiki 1.8.3 -> click to view it you wont need any columns 😛

I dont think its down to the non-closed DIV tags as the pages validate in xhtml checker.

I think maybe a table row at the top of mid containing some single pixels might work better, but its worth noting that ive only really experienced it through really low bandwidth connections. or on very stressed out servers.


posts: 63 United Kingdom

I notice similar width measurement problems on my site when I was using PHP layers, I think its something to do with the way they define the container widths and inheritance.

See how the contents of your shoutbox wraps at the browser window width instead of its containing DIV's width? I found that dropping PHP Layers stopped this.

I managed to remove the extra few pixels width on my site by changing a width definition in the CSS from 100% to auto - this made sense at the time as the contents of the DIV in question were already at fixed or self-correcting sizes anyway.

Also avoiding the use of fixed and absolute positions in the CSS whenever possible tended to make the whole thing a bit easier to comprehend for poor old internet explorer, which has only learned how to render my top_bar template properly today.

It's always confusing when the borders of the page are rendered outside its viewable area, but the header (or is it the top_bar on your site?) expands to fill the space.

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