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Were sould I put my custom css class

posts: 42 Spain

Surely this is a very beginner's query, but I would like to ask if someone can explain me where I should physically put a custom css class, for a div or a box.
I have seen that in the configuration of the div you can write the name of a class, for example ".mycss", but .... I have to put this css class? inside some system file? or soukd I create a new file with my css class? .. and if so, in what folder should I put this file.

I do not know if I have been able to explain my doubt.

Thank you very much

Santi Peralta

posts: 3665 United States

You can create a custom theme with your specific classes (see the docs for details). Alternatively, if you have just a few customizations, it may easier to simply use the Custom CSS field on the Admin: Customization tab. Please see the docs for details.


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