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Features / Usability

How to allow user to manage group members (manager)

posts: 1


I'm trying to achieve following goals:

  • enforce that page created by user will belong to certain category
  • each group should have user with "manager" capabilities - can add (create)/ list/remove users within his own group

I have "Default Category" set in group settings: https://i.imgur.com/nvndnmo.png However when I'm adding new pages (logged in as test user who is assigned to this particular group) then after page is created category is not assigned. Why it doesn't work?

I created "Manager" group and assigned "group" permissions: https://i.imgur.com/JyYDsnd.png - the problem is that user administration controls/interface is not displayed. It is displayed if I add "admin" permissions in "user" category: https://i.imgur.com/Qexlnw0.png
However this is undesired because now manager can see users outside of group which he manages: https://i.imgur.com/p8nbcqx.png (and moreover - add and assign user to any group! https://i.imgur.com/95hY99T.png )

version: 18.1 (MyISAM)

I'm struggling with enabling these features and I would be glad if someone can point me intro right direction

posts: 8654 France

Hello Slawek,

How do your user create the pages ?

I recall having a customer with the same issue and we solved it using the Search module that include a "Edit/Add page" option with a set category or default category (something close to this 😊 )
What is cool is that you can place it anywhere and so create an "input" page to be sure the inputted content get the right category.

Helas, our doc is not up to date on this and if you manage to make it work and can improve the doc that will be awesome ! (https://doc.tiki.org/module-search)

posts: 22

Regarding managing groups, in V16.2 we have done the following:

1. Created a group for users who will administer their own groups.
2. Given this group the following permissions:

Members of this group are able to add/delete users to any groups which they themselves are members of.

For example:
John is a member of Registered and Editors and the group administration groups
Fred is a member of Registered and Bloggers and the group administration groups

John and Fred can manage users in the groups Registered and the group administration group
John can also manage users in group Editors but not Bloggers.
Fred can manage also manage users in Bloggers but not Editors.

I hope this helps.
