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Architecture / Installation

Fatal error when upgrading from 17.1 to 18.1

posts: 31 France

Hi Community,

I've tried this morning to upgrade from 17.1 to 18.1 using the "fresh install" method: created a new folder, unpacked the wiki application into it, copied current images to the new folder (no custom theme), made a clone of the current DB and finally called newfolder/tiki-install.php. The system is running Ubuntu 17.04LTS and PHP 7.

Unfortunately, I immediately received the following error: Fatal error:
Uncaught Error: Class 'Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler\CheckDefinitionValidityPass' not found in /var/www/vhosts/bcasmart.com/httpdocs/twnew/vendor_bundled/vendor/symfony/dependency-injection/Compiler/PassConfig.php:58 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/vhosts/bcasmart.com/httpdocs/twnew/vendor_bundled/vendor/symfony/dependency-injection/Compiler/Compiler.php(31): Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler\PassConfig->construct() #1 /var/www/vhosts/bcasmart.com/httpdocs/twnew/vendor_bundled/vendor/symfony/dependency-injection/ContainerBuilder.php(487): Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler\Compiler->construct() #2 /var/www/vhosts/bcasmart.com/httpdocs/twnew/vendor_bundled/vendor/symfony/dependency-injection/ContainerBuilder.php(462): Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder->getCompiler() #3 /var/www/vhosts/bcasmart.com/httpdocs/twnew/lib/init/initlib.php(104): Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder->addCompilerPass(Object(Tiki\MailIn\Provider\CompilerPass)) in /var/www/vhosts/bcasmart.com/httpdocs/twnew/vendor_bundled/vendor/symfony/dependency-injection/Compiler/PassConfig.php on line 58

Being a newbie to sys admin, I'm seeking for help to solve this issue.

Thanks in advance for any help!

posts: 31 France

Hi, any help on this issue? Did anyone stumbled upon the same error?

Thanks in advance for any help!

posts: 2432 Czech Republic

Hi, I didn't stumble upon this error but I can try to replicate with my demo site of 17.x - I just need to prepare new db and copy that one over... then I will try the upgrade.
How did you upgrade exactly? (command line vs tiki-install.php vs another way?) Sorry, did not read properly.


PS: also check you do not have any old directories in your upgraded Tiki path like e.g. vendor/ filled in with stuff which was moved to vendor_bundled/ recently...

posts: 31 France
Thanks Luci, waiting for your inputs...

posts: 31 France

Hi Luci,

Hope you managed to replicate the issue... I've tried to change file permissions but to no avail...

Thanks in advance for any help!

posts: 2432 Czech Republic

I am trying to reproduce this on my demo site (with PHP 7.1) and I cannot reproduce the error. I just get the installer screen shown up nicely. I did not copy the db/local.php over (yet and did not fill in the cloned db info yet as you said it happens immediately when you start tiki-installer.php) so it is as if you were installing new Tiki, right?
Are you sure all files got unpacked on the server correctly? How did you get them there? Did you run sh setup.sh before going to the installer? Did you try the command line method to upgrade the Tiki?


posts: 2432 Czech Republic

Hmm, but what is even more weird, I get the "Enter database credentials" screen as soon as I fill in the cloned db info in, go to the Install/Upgrade step and click the Upgrade button... and it is kind of cycled in this loop when I go to the Install/Upgrade step then ๐Ÿ˜‘
Will try to investigate more after I manage to display any PHP errors here (no errors here so far).


posts: 2432 Czech Republic

OK, finally I found out which php.ini file is in use here for my PHP7.1 installation ๐Ÿ˜› and retried the tiki-installer process and now it seems all worked fine after I changed the value from Off to display_errors = On. The error_reporting value I have here is error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT
Now instead of the tiki-installer asking me for db user credentials in a loop it seems the upgrade button worked:
"Upgrade complete
Your database has been configured and Tiki is ready to run! You can now log in into Tiki as user admin and start configuring the application.

Upgrade operations executed successfully: 18128 SQL queries."
Weirdly I have seen no PHP errors reported in the process...
Yep, I have nicely upgraded Tiki 18.1 from 17.x: https://demo.luciash.eu/tiki17xto18x/HomePage

posts: 31 France

Thanks a lot for the time spent! You guessed right: I'm following the "fresh new Tiki" procedure to upgrade and uploaded a copy of the new version into a 'twnew' folder. I'll then try to purge this folder and upload again and will you...

By the way, is there any option to perform the upload from the command line? This could be safer as I have a root SSH access to the server...

Thanks in advance for your advices!

posts: 2432 Czech Republic
Copy to clipboard
wget -O tiki-18.1.tar.gz https://sourceforge.net/projects/tikiwiki/files/Tiki_18.x_Alcyone/18.1/tiki-18.1.tar.gz/download


posts: 31 France

Waaayyyy better! Downloaded the package from CLI, untar'ed the file, ran setup.sh and finally managed to launch the installer! Thanks a lot for your help! ๐Ÿ˜Š

By the way, this forum is great!